Recommend some good ww2 museums.


New member
i live in louisiana and have been to the one in new orleans, its alright but i want to see lots of ww2 guns, tanks, anything ww2 related. i rather stay within a couple states of louisiana but post links to any real good ones.

grey sky

New member
Fort Knox Kentucky

George Patton museum, Tanks from WW1 to present WW2 German tank cutaway with plexiglass Actual tank not a scale modle. The Generals staff car and personal items Lots of guns on display. Very worth your while. Also neer Knob Creek. Realy cool Civil war meuseum in neerby Bardstown also.


New member
Aberdeen Proving Grounds Ordnance Museum

If you get into upper Maryland check this out.

I was stationed there years ago and they had stuff that other museums don't. I think it was because they actually researched and tested captured items. They also had (as I remember) a really neat small arms and heavy weapons museum inside. Cut aways and mock ups of vietnam homemade boobytraps and weapons.


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If you get around Fayetteville NC try the 82d Airborne Division Memorial War Museum and the Special Warfare Center Museum on Ft Bragg and the Airborne Special Operations Museum downtown (on Hay Street!!)



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You are fortunate to have the D-Day museum in N.O. it's a great WW II exhibit.
As Doyle said the Museum of Naval Aviation is a great one and includes quite a bit on WW II. and while on the way to Pensacola is the U.S.S. Alabama museum in Mobile.
Battle of the Bulge Museum in Luxembourg. Wow, simply wow.

Fort Knox has been mentioned and they've a terrific display of tanks. There's a private tank museum in Woodside, California. They've a Pzkw I (yep, that little machine gun armed thing that the Germans thought was just a training tank and they put it into combat anyway), a PzKw IVf2 (so I think it is), several Shermans, T-34/76 & T-34/85, a Pzkw V Panther auf. A (they're restoring right now), Sdkfz-7 Prime Mover, Flak 88 (yep, the dreaded 88), Hetzer, Sturmgeschutz III, M-5 Stuart, JS-III (the 45 ton monster that couldn't be stopped by anything in our arsenal), British Conqueror (which was built to stop the JS-III), M7 Priest, etc.


New member
The Nimitz museum was being renovated the last time I was there, a year or 18 months ago. I've been several times, and each time I've picked up on a little more. There are lots of exhibits, and depending on your schedule, you can even catch some re-enactments. It's well worth a trip.

Plus, Fredericksburg, TX is a great place to spend a little time.


New member
The Nimitz museum was being renovated the last time I was there...

Plus, Fredericksburg, TX is a great place to spend a little time.

Yah, that was the one that immediately came to mind. I wasn't aware that it was being renovated, though. It might be even better, now!

For aircraft, you might want to check out the Pensacola NAS's on base museum. And you might want to check out the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston. While there in the Houston/Galveston area, you might also want to check out the Battleship Texas over in Deer Park/LaPorte, as well as Seawolf Park on Pelican Island, right next to Galveston.

USS Lexington is at Corpus Christi, Tx.

There is a display that might interest you over at Charleston/Mt. Pleasant, SC that is associated with The USS Yorktown. It is a bit far, but I'd say it's worth the trip.

Naturally, you'll want to go check out the USS Alabama in Mobile, Al.


New member
while not a weapons museum,
the army aviation museum (lots of helicopters) & fixed wing is a good one,
its at Ft. Rucker (Daleville) Ala.


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Visited the Nimitz Museum earlier this year - found it interesting. The George Bush Gallery had a lot of WWII memorabilia - Jap midget sub, a hatch off the Arizona, various other items . . .

They were just about to start a major addition, scheduled for completion in 2009 sometime.

If you go, time your visit for one of their Pacific Combat Zone re-enactments, which are held on about a quarterly basis; the PCZ is an easy walk down the street. (Check their website.) Among other things, they have one of the extra WWII A-bomb casings on display - if two nukes hadn't been enough, the one on display would've been filled with the Pu device & dropped . . .

In Fredericksburg, do NOT eat at a restaurant called Der Lindenbaum on Main Street. I like good German food, but it was NOT being served at this place. :barf: