Recommend Self Defense Spray

Looking for pepper spray or the like:

Capable of multiple shots (3 would be enough)
Under $15 if possible
Small - not too bulky

Edited to add: Also, if you know any good personal panic alarms that are small. Recommend one of those as well.
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New member
+1 on UDAP

I've heard only good things. 10% OC, about the most powerful stuff you can buy I believe.

They make some decent little holsters both for the large can and the pocket-sized can, which help orient them in the dark and if somehow you managed to release the spray towards you, it's fanned out to the sides or blocked.


New member
Sabre...Although I think its around $20...but you get about 30 sprays with it. I've been sprayed with it (not while committing a crime :) ) and it is NASTY NASTY stuff.


New member
Northslope; you might look into the Comtech Stinger and some of the Cold Steel Nightshade series of products for additional self-defense options.


New member
You might want to check to see if it's legal to spray someone with Bear Spray in your area. No use getting in trouble yourself.
I have a Sheriff friend who was just issued "TOP COP".
I think it is 5000 scoval units, but can't remember for sure.
I asked him to spray me as he said it had one of the worst burns that he had ever got from OC.
I can tell you it was the worst I have ever been hit with, and I've been sprayed more times than I care to remember (Retired LEO of 15 years, 3 yrs in a prison). It gave me one heck of a headache also.
Give the Top Cop a try. It's pretty nasty stuff.
I'm not sure if it's available in different strengths or not.
Be aware that some people are not affected much by OC, especially people who have done hard time. If you can find it, an OC-CS mix might be a good choice also.
Be aware that oil based sprays can light a person on fire if sparks or open flame come in contact with them right after being sprayed.
It happened a couple of times where someone was sprayed with an oil based OC then taised. They actually caught on fire. Sounds like it could be fun to watch if the guy really deserved it, but sure could get you into court :mad:.

Best regards, John K


chemical agents, OC foam, fog, skill training...

After a handful of "close encounters" as a licensed, armed security officer I decided to get formal training/OC spray.
I bought a mark III size off-brand chemical agent with 15% red pepper, ;). The unit also included UV marking dye. I wore it on security patrols in a nylon Bianchi Patroltek case.

I'd suggest a foam or fog style over the thin spray or mist. Wind, breezes and direction can cause some chemical agents to go all over. Trust me, I learned that lesson the "hard way", :(.

Speaking of learning, I'd suggest taking a formal class and being "sprayed". Like a EDW/Taser X26, if you use the OC spray and later need to explain or testify about your actions under oath, you can document your instruction.
Some cheap, low-rent security outfits and "protection party" nitwits may say you can spray a wall or in a trash can but that's not real skill training, IMO.

Foam & fog chemical agents can be obtained here; .

ps; Review & understand all state/local/federal laws or SOPs before you carry OC-chemical agents.


New member
You'll like the foam until some &sshole wipes a big glop off his face and throws it in your face.
You'll find out the stream or the fog is the best, with the first choice being the stream type if wind is a problem.
You have to step back and give it a short while to work on the person who has just been sprayed. Some people eat it like candy, then what ? Better have a plan "B".
Reading about it is one thing, using it another.
Some officers loved the stuff, I used it rarely. I'd rather drop someone with a well placed baton shot than use the gas. Sometimes the gas is the best choice though.
Just know that if you spray someone, you will get it all over you while taking them into custody and putting the cuffs on so be sure that you can take the burn and still do what you have to. Most people can, but some just curl into a little ball and cry like a little *****.

Best Regards, John K


New member
No mention of foxlabs? Has it fallen out of favor?

Personally, I love the foxlabs spray. It was what I currently carry at work (police) and, having been spraying with a variety of pepper sprays, including SABRE, I have personally found that foxlabs was the most effective on me.

The only down-side I have found with foxlabs is that I can only find "Law Enforcement Only" sprays. On this note, if anyone knows where to get non-"Law Enforcement Only" foxlabs spray, please let me know.

Jack Bauer

New member
I second Fox Labs...I've discovered the percentage of OC is not as important as the SHU value...having been sprayed with several types (LE training, not as a perp :D ) the Fox Labs has been the most effective...