Recoil Protection with automatics


New member
I have posted in the past about taking a beating on the knuckle at the base of my thumb adjacent to the webbing of my hand, due to recoil on several of my automatics due mostly to shape. (Beavertail, Tange,etc.) I have a new invention that eliminates the problem.

I went to the range today and took along my HK P2006sk. The way that it sits in the web of my had, the recoil drives the beavertail, tange, into the knuckle at the base of my thumb causing loss of skin and big time bone bruise.

I'm not through working with it, but today I put 100 rounds through my P2000sk with no pain, brusing, or swelling. Here tis...

I know, I know, my finger is on the trigger and that's OK...The gun is safe!!! it's an HK!!!



I know it seems a little bulky, but it's really not. Light as a feather!!! It is made from neoprene I found in the plumbing section of Home Depot. I cut it into a "T" shape and covered it with duck tape. When I use it, I simply place the narrow web section between my thumb and my forefinger, and wrap it once around the middle, and once over the web of my hand using masking tape so it will not stick to the duck tape.

The narrow piece is fine, but I'm going to lengthen it a bit, and cut back some of the wide section that doesn't need to be there.

Hey I hope this helps some of you with the same affliction. My thumb feels great and I don't have to wait several weeks for a bone bruise to heal before I can shoot again...


New member
Firstly, I would like to say, you have way too much time on your hands.

Now I know that NONE of the one I saw in the link below were as stylish, cheap, and practical as what you came up with, but I think someone may have gotten the jump on you....since you hold the gun only in one hand, maybe they should offer them for just the right or left hand. If they only sold you one, it should be half the price right?


New member
How often/long do you shoot? The reason I ask is I've never seen anyone shooting modern pistols have this type of problem. Either the recoil doesn't bother them at all, or it does and they stop way before there is any lasting effects.


New member
Doggie, I have had this condition for years. Others have posted on it as well. Shooting gloves do not work!!! The closest I have come is Uncle Mike's and that didn't work even when I stuffed neoprene in it.

Stage Two, I have had this problem with the Bersa Thunder, Sig 228, CZ 75B, Browning BDA. To a lesser extent with my P2000sk, PO1, USPc, PT-92AR.

I'm sure some of this is due to the shape of my hand. When I hold almost any automatic the left side of the beavertail sits on that knuckle. Thus, when the gun recoils it bangs the knuckle. Over the years I have developed a bump on the knuckle and that probably aggravates the situation.

As I shoot, the pain becomes unbearable. I have returned home with a blackened bone bruise, and blood all over the place.

I shoot 1 to 2 times a week, usually for about an hour, consuming a couple hundered rounds.:D


New member

You could make a permanent version of that using velcro straps, you know.

Have you thought about having a shooting instructor take a look at your grip? I'm having trouble visualizing how the force is hitting the joint at the base of your thumb with such violence. I have to wonder if adjusting your grip might not be useful.

(Just had a mental picture of going to the doctor and asking for an occupational therapist appointment in order to adjust your grip on your pistol so it doesn't hurt to shoot 200 rounds... :eek: Maybe not)

Good thinking, though, on coming up with a solution. Just as long as if you need to use your gun for SD you don't flinch worrying about the pain from the recoil...



New member
COBAN self-adherent bandage?

This self - adherent bandage might do the trick and be a lot simpler to use....

It sells in various sizes and presentations (I use the 4" wide tan colored normally) and you can cut a small piece and protect the web of the hand when you are in the range... It is very light and depending on how you wrap it, it might give you some extra wrist support.

It is so cheap a 5 mt roll will last for months!

Stay safe!

Juan Carlos


New member
Your grip

Bullrock, how sure are you that you are using a correct grip? In the photos, you appear to have a very small hand or an off center grip.

I am very recoil averse, but I've never sustained the sort of injuries you describe other than a GI 1911 grip safety that wore a scar into the web of my hand after several hundred rounds.

Would a stronger recoil spring help?


New member
Have you installed the smallest backstrap on the SK? The gun needs to center as much as possible in the web of the hand with the bore more or less lining up with the elbow. I had developed a similar grip on my Tac and USP Compact due to a short reach with my trigger finger but I realized that using a little less of the pad on the trigger finger and gripping more the correct way I was able to fix my problem. I also began grip stronger with the support hand. Another thing that helped me with my small hands was shooting single action which meant carrying cocked and locked with the Compact. Until then I actually had that top knuckle at the base of my thumb on my strong hand bleeding after about 200 rounds on the Tactical. I love my P2000 because I am able to grip it correctly and have good trigger control. Good Luck.


New member
Bullrock - Doggie, I have had this condition for years. Others have posted on it as well. Shooting gloves do not work!!! The closest I have come is Uncle Mike's and that didn't work even when I stuffed neoprene in it.

No disrespect meant, thought you were joking.

I am assuming that you shot strong hand only? or does it happen with a two handed hold as well?

What about one of those wrist immobilizer? the one's with the black Velcro, you would need to modify it to fit, but it would provide easy on off.


New member
Ditto on your grip

I noticed the same thing about your grip, it looks like your grip is not centered as mentioned above, the webbing of your hand should be directly behind the grip not your thumb as you show in the pics. But what ever floats your boat, but seems like an invention to accomodate a poor grip, when all you need is a proper grip........
my 2c


New member
Shoot what you carry and carry what you shoot

If you go around like that when you carry your gun thats fine but if not then you should consider getting a gun that dosent bother you as much.


New member
What the.....? I've never had any pistol where I had to wear a hand protection to shoot it well...:eek:

A tighter grip with your middle and ring finger would solve the problem I guess.:)

And IMO you hold the H&K (pic) WAY to high, the tail should be resting at the place between your thumb and the finger.
If there is space (height) between your hand and the tail of the gun it will spank your thumb all the day long.

Its like the recoil on a rifle, hold It tight and It wont beat you, but if there is space between your shoulder and the butt-stock, it will beat your shoulder all the time.


New member
Geeze! I guess I shouldn't have bothered posting this damn thing. I have solved my problem and I was only trying to share this simple device with any other member who might have this problem...And I know you're out there. Maybe I can go back and pull some of it up.

The last thing I expected was to have my grip critqued! I don't have small hands! I'm a golve size 10. There is nothing wrong with my grip! Hell, you can't even see where my grip is centered because the web and back of my hand are covered.

Moloch, have you ever tried taking a pic of your own hand holding an automatic? It ain't easy holding that gun out there trying to focus in on it while clicking the shutter? I don't care what position the gun is in, I'm trying to show my little invention.

I love recoil and have since I was a kid. Shooting my 29-2 on a regular basis is a hoot. So if I've been shooting wrong all these years it's because my daddy taught me wrong. At 71 I don't think I need to worry about instructions.

Here's one of my targets on the day I first used my pad. It ain't great, but it's OK for an old man with difficulty seeing the front grips and at 15 yards...Then add bi-lateral carpel tunnel, arthitis, and a host of other things. Maybe I could blow out the center if I moved in to 15 feet???

Most range reports I read on carry guns is at 15 feet. And I'm capable of getting off 11 rounds and then some with my P2000sk without my little pad.


New member
I don't care what position the gun is in, I'm trying to show my little invention.

Dont get me wrong, I just tried to help you and I think you wouldn't even need your invention with a change of your grip. :)


New member
Hey Bullrock...ignore the Heartless Bafturds!! I kinda like your invention, in fact, since I drive around so much, I am thinking about fashioning one for my BUTT!!, but I am afraid the tape might be a little rough on my sensitive behind!! I like the target too...not bad for a blind geezer...what is that, a 24" group @ 5 feet? LOL!!!
The real funny thing is...some don't realize that you also shoot an Alaskan and some other of those friggin' bigasshandcannon type guns...even with your condition and "bad" grip


New member
The narrow piece is fine, but I'm going to lengthen it a bit, and cut back some of the wide section that doesn't need to be there.
I was thinking about the same thing. It probably can be made more compact. While providing more comfort to the web and knuckle area. How about this idea? The narrow piece, cut it in an hourglass clock shape. That way it need not extend beyond your wrist. Attach with tape between knuckle and wrist and also between wrist and end of pinkie. Should be very comfortable if only because it will follow the contour of your hand. Nice recoil pad too.
Have your tried a bowling glove

Bullrock, I was looking at the way made your device, and it reminds me of a bowling glove. You may be able to add some neoprene into or onto a bowling glove, or maybe try a neoprene fishing glove. And your shootin' looks good enough for guv't work, I figure I wouldn't want to be standing on the business end.
