recoil/buffer spring design question


New member
Hrmm.. just occured to me. Once upon a time, the spring that closed the action on a rifle was placed in front of the action, and closed the bolt by pulling on some kind of rod -- M1, M14, and AK are examples.

Now.. I'll admit, I'm going from limited knowledge here.. but it seems like most all the current production military rifles but the action return spring behind the action, like in the AR.

Is this a six-of-one-half-dozen-of-the-other things, or is there a real benefit to going one way over the other? Badger, you mentioned something about the recoil impulse being sharper with an oprod, yes? Is that the only reason, or are there others?



New member
M-1 front spring or M-16 rear spring....
Springs operate the same. Compressed when bolt open, expanded when bolt closed.

Tis the op rods that are different, not the springs.

M-1...spring pushes on op rod far end which in turn pulls the bolt closed.
M-16....spring pushes more directly on bolt.
