Recoil Buffer for M14, SKS and others.


New member
I was reading the Product Previews in the March American Rifleman, Buffer Technologies was one of the previews.They advertised a M1A/M14 Recoil Buffer that fits on the spring guide, that protects the op-rod from unnecessary shock and wear, reduces felt recoil and enhances muzzle stability, etc.
I went to the web site, and found they have them for other simi-auto rifles and pistols.

Do they work? The price of 14.95 for the little piece of plastic seems like a lot.
Site at.

Thank You


New member
Seems to me that the M14, SKS, etc., were designed to fire thousands of rounds over their lifetime without the benefit of such a buffer. A lot more than I'll probably ever shoot. No buffers in mine. YMMV.
