Recoil and Semi-Autos (and maybe Revolvers, too)...

Walt Sherrill

New member
Recently we had a long discussion about the effect of different bullet weights on recoil -- and whether heavier bullets (as I and others claimed) tended to hit higher on the target than lighter ones.

My claim was that because the heavier bullet was moving slower, the barrel rose a bit before the bullet was fully out of the barrel, and that raised the point of impact. That seemed intuitively obvious to me and to others, here.
JohnKSa and other said, "no, that isn't so". It appears I was wrong and he/they were right.

Well, I'm here with some convincing evidence supporting their position. I've found a number of super-slow motion videos of semi-autos in action, and it seems to confirm their point. If you think I'm waffling when I say "seem" or "seems" rather than saying "it proves they're right," my choice of words is based on observations that could be in error, but I don't think that's the case. The following videos seem pretty convincing to me.

As I was looking at the following videos I also looked at revolvers -- and the claim that recoil tended to be a bit different there, too. I have found nothing to suggest that revolvers are really all that different. I can understand why they MIGHT be different, but it seems that MOST of the difference may come into play AFTER the bullet has left the barrel. That's a different topic, and we can ignore it for the moment -- and I'll address it again, at the end, below the "-----------------".

When looking at Semi-Autos, here's what I found:

In semi-autos the slide and barrel move together to the rear as the bullet goes down the barrel. That was the earlier claim.

The only motion visible in the ultra high-speed videos is of the slide and barrel slightly moving to the rear until AFTER the bullet has exited the barrel. The slide and barrel don't start to rise UP gas is coming out of the barrel, and the barrel and slide has gone more to the rear, and started to separate. At THAT POINT the bullet is already gone.

Before the bullet exits the barrel, some of the rearward movement of the slide is likely transferred to the recoil spring and to the frame - but even that small amount of energy is a transfer of force that is primarily to the rear, and it has no up or down effect.

If the barrel doesn't rise until AFTER the bullet leaves the barrel, bullet weight or bullet speed down the barrel isn't affecting the barrel or slide's vertical position. That kills my earlier claim.

Bullet weight does affects bullet performance after it leaves the gun. But, a light bullet fired from a gun and a heavy bullet fired from a similar gun will both hit the ground at the same time if they're both fired from the same height and level, and exactly at the same time.

But if the light bullet is moving faster, it will hit a closer target more quickly than a heavier bullet (because gravity hasn't been working on it as long), and that lighter bullet should hit higher than a heavier bullet because it hits the target more quickly and has less time to be affected by gravity.

The point overlooked in this comparison, however, is whether the two rounds are loaded to be delivered at the same velocity. If the velocity is the same, they'll both get there at the same time. Felt recoil might not be the same, but felt recoil won't have any real effect until the bullet is out of the barrel...

Gravity is a constant, and it doesn't care how heavy the bullet is. The only difference between the hot or heavy round and a light or slower round is how far the bullet travels before it hits the ground. When shooting at targets, the round's elapsed time to target affects where the point of impact will be, all other things being equal. A faster round will get there more quickly and be less affected by time/gravity.​

Here are several videos that seem to offer proof:

The first one is of a 1911, and if you click the stop/go button on the bottom left of the video, you can stop the motion. If you do it just right, you'll see that the bullet leaves the barrel BEFORE the barrel and slide start to rise. At that point, the barrel and slide have moved to the rear only about a tenth of an inch, and while a little force has been pushed into the recoil spring, the base of that spring is resting against the frame and there will be some push BACK against the frame.

It's only later as the momentum (of the slide continues to move back and changes the balance of the gun, and the barrel separates and is moving down at the breech end and up at the crown) that you start to see much vertical movement. But the bullet left the barrel earlier. Judicious use of the stop/start button will show you a lot. Lots of clicks very quickly!! Bore axis seems to be a bigger player than anything.

The next video is very good -- but they also experiment with a lot of different video capture speeds. This video is more of a demonstration of some awesome videographic gear and technique than a study in handgun ballistics -- you can watch it all if you like, or you can just go to the two points mentioned below.

If you jump ahead to about 7:40 in the video you'll see the semi-auto fired while being videoed at a very high frame rate. Look closely and you'll that the barrel hasn't risen but the barrel and slide have moved back just a bit. At about 8:04 you'll see it all repeated, with the videographer telling you where to look to see the bullet. The bullet is gone but the barrel/slide are still perfectly horizontal.

A heavier bullet moves down the barrel more slowly, to be sure, but that it's moving more slowly doesn't really change how the gun functions. A semi-auto's action is a MECHANICAL process, based on equal and opposite reactions.

It's all mechanical at that point: dependent on how far things have moved, not how FAST they're moving. It would seem that velocity, which can be indirectly affected by bullet weight, is a far more important factor in point of impact position than weight. Maybe folks focus on weight and ignore velocity in these discussions. As noted above, gravity is a constant and it doesn't care how heavy the bullet is.

After the bullet is gone the forces at play continue to move the barrel and slide to the rear. The barrel is forced away from the slide (with the rear of the barrel dropping down and the other end rising. The weight of the slide pushing back on top of along the top of the gun (bore axis) and the force of the recoil starts to raise the entire gun a bit.

While its going up, it doesn't have any effect on point of impact -- the bullet is long gone. Proper technique can also keep barrel/gun rise to a minimum. Jerry Miculek's videos address this topic.

The Mythbusters TV Show has a video on YouTube; they pay more attention to the gases coming out of the barrel than recoil. They cut the video off before the bullet has moved very far, but their video clearly shows the bullet several inches in front of the muzzle, with no visible rise/vertical movement of the barrel or slide. If nothing moves vertically before the bullet exists, bullet weight is clearly not a factor in recoil and barrel rise.

What I'd like to see is whether, in a semi-auto, two bullets of different weights have the same point of impact if fired at the same velocity. In theory, they should. Recoil will be felt differently by the shooter.


I'd also like to understand whether a revolver is really all that different than a semi-auto BEFORE the bullet leaves the barrel...

Most folks seem to feel there is a big difference. Others also feel that heavier bullets make a difference, too -- as does the lack of a moving slide and barrel. They may be right, bu ]t the evidence supporting that position isn't clear to me, yet. (As is probably obvious to some of you, I can be "slow" to understand some of this stuff...) :(

Super Slow Motion videos of revolvers being fired are much harder to find than similar videos of semi-autos. Many of the videos show the amount of recoil with different calibers and different loads, but nobody pays much attention to points of impact.

Revolvers typically recoil more than semi-autos firing similar loads -- but that seems to because most revolvers have a very high bore axis. In watching videos of revolvers, most of that higher-bore-axis induced recoil seems to occur AFTER the bullet is gone! Super slow motion videos might resolve that issue, too, but I can't find any that are helpful (or slow enough.)

Note: if you look at videos of the Chiappa or Matebba revolvers, which have the barrel aligned with the bottom of the cylinder, their recoil seems to be similar or even less than! most semi-autos shooting similar loads!! These guns have VERY LOW BORE AXES!

The only video that sort of addressed the issue was the following, which shows both a semi-auto and revolver being fired underwater. Shooting a gun underwater is NOT the same as shooting a gun above water, but much of the recoil-related "physics" could be similar. ( I don't know whether the heavier density of water affects recoil differently, or whether it affects a semi-auto differently than it affects a revolver.)

Look at 3:00 to see a semi-auto being fired, and then at 6:00 to see a revolver being fired. There isn't a noticeable difference -- but because it's water, not air they're both being fired in, the heavier density of water may play into to this differently...

Warning you must watch a brief ad -- but you can skip it after 3 seconds:

I have seen photos of someone firing a .357 Magnum offhand, and then with the barrel/frame wired down to a heavy rest so that there is no recoil. They don't show whether the points of impact are different. I wasn't able to find that video, today.

Here's a video of a revolver being fired (.357 Magnum), and if you press the start/stop button carefully you can catch the barrel AFTER the bullet has exited, and it doesn't seem to rise much more than a semi-auto. Perhaps a hair more, and given the effect of a fraction of a minute of angle, that COULD affect the point of impact.

(You also see what happens when they fire a dud round, and push the gun down! Bad technique!!)
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Aren't powder loads limited more by internal pressure than velocity? Wouldn't heavier bullets always be slower because the powder loads needed to match velocity on a lighter bullet would be too high for most guns to withstand? To think of it another way, if you could load a 147 grain bullet to get the same velocity as a standard 115, why wouldn't you already load the 115 the same way and make it even faster?


New member
I apparently missed the earlier discussion.

The way I've always understood it is that the heavier bullets generated more recoil which caused more muzzle rise. Not that the bullet spent more time in the barrel. At any rate it has been observed countless times that heavier bullets tend to impact on target higher than lighter bullets. Maybe not in every case, but enough to cause shooters to search for answers.

If this is not the reason, then what is?

Walt Sherrill

New member
jrm40 said:
I apparently missed the earlier discussion.

Here's a link to the earlier discussion -- we get into this topic in more depth towards the end.

Watch the videos. We don't know what weight bullets are used, but there must be some rise of some sort, regardless of whether the bullet is light or heavy, if the bullet weight causes recoil-induced barrel rise.

If, as is demonstrated in the videos in the links in the opening part of this topic, the barrel doesn't rise UNTIL AFTER the bullet leaves the barrel, how could a heavier bullet have any effect (direct or indirect) on recoil-induced barrel rise?

In all of those photos, the only recoil-related movement is to the rear prior to bullet departure. The forces that start with primer ignition of a powder then continue, and then we see recoil's effect.

Your thinking was what I argued for in previous discussions. I've changed my thinking.

A number of guns I own seem to shoot to the same point of impact regardless of bullet weight out to about 20 yards. I can't see well enough to bother with greater distances.

Part of that is sights regulated to do POA/POI match at around 25 yards by gun makers, and rounds designed to hit at 25 yards or 50 yards (depending on who makes the rounds.) That's another variable we have to consider in these discussions.

I wonder if a lot of us aren't just accepting things because they seem reasonable, but haven't really evaluated or investigated ourselves.
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Walt Sherrill

New member
Independent George said:
Aren't powder loads limited more by internal pressure than velocity? Wouldn't heavier bullets always be slower because the powder loads needed to match velocity on a lighter bullet would be too high for most guns to withstand?

The point being addressed was simply that there are a number of variables involved -- and you can't change one (such as bullet weight) and not change the others (such as velocity) and say that you're measuring the same thing.

What if the you change the powder of a 115gr. round (by using one that took up the same space) so that it and a 124 gr. round traveled at the same speed?

Would they have the same point of impact? Gravity's effect would be the same despite the different weights of the two bullets, and they'd be going the same distance at the same speed when they hit the target. Gravity is the constant.

And if there's NO rise in the barrel caused by the bullet traveling down the barrel (equal and opposite reactions - fore/aft), what else can change the point of impact? The videos used show that there is NO muzzle rise until AFTER the bullet is gone... And regardless of bullet weight, there should be some muzzle rise if bullet travel is somehow causing recoil movement that changes point of aim -- and MORE if the bullet is heavier. (I once thought that was true. Now I don't.)

Independent George said:
To think of it another way, if you could load a 147 grain bullet to get the same velocity as a standard 115, why wouldn't you already load the 115 the same way and make it even faster?

Not everybody want their loads to be lighter and faster... or vice versa. As noted above, the object was to control the variables when talking about holding velocity to a specific level.


Moderator Emeritus
It's a revolver thing, Walt. :) (And single shots.)

I wonder if there's a difference between short-recoil-operated and straight-blowback pistols, though?

Walt Sherrill

New member
Tamara said:
It's a revolver thing, Walt. (And single shots.)

I wonder if there's a difference between short-recoil-operated and straight-blowback pistols, though?

You may be right -- and it MAY be a revolver thing -- but a lot of folks (me included) felt the same way about heavier rounds hitting higher in a typical locked breech, short-recoil semi-auto. But I'd like to see some evidence to support that claim.

(I found a video of a guy shooting a .357 magnum from a rest, and then with the gun and barrel wired to a heavy base, so that there was no recoil. I wonder if the points of impact were truly different? Logic suggests they should be, but I'm beginning to wonder whether logic works as well as we think it does.)

How about a short-recoil gun with the slide locked?

We talked about that here on this forum recently, when someone brought up how the Phoenix Project worked in Vietnam: Locked slides on silencer-equipped S&W semi-autos, because the slides made more noise than the round being shot! Here's a video of a Beretta shooting 1) without a suppressor, 2) with a suppressor, and 3) with the same suppressor and the slide locked. (Those are my groupings -- they aren't numbered in the video -- but they do address the three shooting modes being shown in the video.)

In part 1, you see pronounced recoil. Why not? No suppressor and no extra weight on the front of the gun. In part 2, with a suppressor installed, the recoil is somewhat diminished -- but that may be at least partly due to the extra weight of the suppressor AND the suppressor's muffling of the high pressure gases. I'm sure velocity has been reduced a bit, too. In part 3, you see that even though the slide is locked and can't move back, there is seemingly the SAME amount of recoil.

I did a very unscientific type of measurement, by putting the mouse cursor on the top of the barrel for each shot in parts 2 and 3, and then watching how far the gun rises above the cursor with each shot. With suppressor mounted and the slide both locked and not locked, it's hard to see a difference in recoil. And the video isn't in super-slow motion so we can't tell when the bullet leaves the barrel.​

But -- why is the gun with the breech that can't unlock not recoiling differently than the one that can? In theory, there ought to be a difference. I find that video puzzling given what we've already said about how the locked-breech short-recoil action affects recoil -- delays it. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me?

NOTE: As I was looking for more revolver info, I found the following from Starline Brass, and that video claims that a heavier bullet will raise the point of impact for both revolvers and semi-autos -- because they spend more time in the barrel as the barrel is rising.

Does it? Both types of handguns? We seem to have a divergence of opinion between those guys and the more-knowledgeable people here!!
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New member
So the short version is that the gun rises AFTER the bullet leaves, correct?

That's what everyone local tells me as well so I don't think it's a secret. There have been plenty of slow mo shots of guns to prove it. The bullet being smaller overcomes inertia faster than the gun and the speed of the bullet versus the speed of the gun mean that the bullet is in the target about the time the shooter feels the rise, correct?

I've been told that heavier bullets hit higher because people know they are heavier and compensate. Put random bullets including a dummy in the gun and watch how they react and see the spread pattern. Other people pull down with the trigger and their bullets hit too low.

Then again I haven't done half the maths or half the shooting of the others here. I just do research and let others get their hands dirty.

David R

New member
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Once the bullet starts to move forward it is pushing on the gun weather yoiu can see it in a video or not. Heavier bullets shoot higher in a handgun.

The change in point if impact is so small I don't think you could see it at the launching pad. Sights only have to be changed a few thousandths to change POI an inch.



New member
If the barrel and slide of a semi-auto are moving there is a FORCE causing them to move.

That FORCE is reacted through the grip as a MOMENT which is resisted by your hands on the grips.

If the barrel/slide is above your hands and the barrel/slide is moving, then the gun is rotating upwards.

Walt Sherrill

New member
45 Auto said:
If the barrel and slide of a semi-auto are moving there is a FORCE causing them to move.

That FORCE is reacted through the grip as a MOMENT which is resisted by your hands on the grips.

If the barrel/slide is above your hands and the barrel/slide is moving, then the gun is rotating upwards.

You may be right. And don't forget -- I was in YOUR CAMP when this discussion started a week or two ago. What I'm looking for is more than anecdotal evidence.

I find the following points in this discussion remain unclear. If you can explain, it would help.

1) For the first 1/10th of an inch of barrel and slide movement, the primary forces at play are the equal and opposite reaction of the bullet dragging the barrel forward as it moves forward, offset by the forces against the breech face of the gun, because the barrel still locked to the slide. The bullet is then gone. What would be causing upward barrel movement movement at that point? The forces at play seem only front and back. The recoil spring is player, and it's base is pressing against the frame BELOW the bore axis. It is above the hand, but still much lower than the barrel and given how the barrel and slide are pivoting on the hand, that extra force UNDER the barrel might not have an upward effect. A body in motion tends to stay in motion AT THE SAME SPEED AND SAME DIRECTION unless acted upon by a force. What force is pushing that barrel UP?

2) If there is pressure against the frame, it must certainly be trivial, as the spring can't have absorbed much energy with only a 1/10th of an inch of compression applied to it. (Your point that trivial changes at the gun end can generate larger changes at the point of impact is certainly valid, but how "significant" must a "trivial" change be to have a measurable effect on POI?)

3) As noted above, the force going into the recoil spring is pressing against the frame BELOW the bore axis as its base to allow the energy to be stored in the spring. That, it seems to me, ought to be causing downward rather than upward movement. (It may be that I misunderstand how that force is caused or applied to make the barrel rise, but it's certainly not visible in the the very slow-motion videos. Ultra-slow motion image captures OUGHT to show some difference. It doesn't in the examples I posted.)

Then there's the issue of a gun with a locked slide.

4) The video I linked to shows no noticeable difference between the Beretta with the locked slide and compensator, and the one with the unlocked slide and the same compensator. (There MAY be difference, and points of impact weren't recorded, but I'm just addressing what is visible.) It's misleading? Beretta barrels don't tilt, but since the bullet leaves the barrel so quickly, the difference (or lack of it) between tilting and non-tilting systems ought not be a big factor. Is that a factor? There is recoil seen later in the firing cycle, but there doesn't seem to be much difference visible between locked and non-locked slides. How does a semi-auto with locked slide differ from a revolver in terms of how recoil force is applied?

Given what has been said, one might think that a locked slide causes the gun to act more like a revolver than a short-recoil locked breech semi-auto, causing MORE visible recoil (ala revolver) if recoil delay (ala tiling barrel or recoil spring interaction) is a factor. That doesn't seem to happen.

A heavier bullet alone seems to be the gold standard in this discussion -- people don't mention a heavier bullet delivered at the same velocity. If we ignore (for the moment) barrel rise as the bullet travels down the barrel), physics alone tells us that a heavier bullet traveling more slowly, ought to get to the target later. In that case, gravity will have more (time-related) effect on the bullet than a lighter/faster bullet and should cause it to hit LOWER on the target. If there IS barrel rise, it could partially offset or completely override the short-term effect of gravity for close targets. But WHY is the barrel rising? That must still be explained -- and it must be explained as happening within the first fraction of an inch of the slide and barrel movement.

How do you address or explain the seeming differences addressed above?

What I'd like to see:

1) a revolver with the barrel locked down (so that there is no possible barrel rise) shot at a target, and the same barrel from a rest (all other things being essentially equal) aimed at the same target. Compare the points of impact. I've seen .357 Magnum revolvers wired down to a heavy base on YouTube, but they were just looking at the amount of recoil, and didn't look at the points of impact. According to our discussions here, there should be a difference in POI.

2) a semi-auto with the slide locked, maybe in a Ransom Rest, aimed at a target, with point of impact noted. And the same loads used and shots repeated with the slide NOT locked. There should be a difference between the two functional modes (locked and unlocked) IF the tilting mechanism plays a role in recoil-induced barrel rise. A locked slide doesn't allow tilt OR recoil delay.

3) a repeat of both tests using a heavier bullet in the second series of shots (or just a third pass when doing the tests above).

That could address most of the points being debated, and do it more scientifically -- with a series of replicable tests.
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New member
David - Don't forget another rule. An object at rest tends to stay at rest. The force isn't from the projectile, it's from the rear of the bullet. The same force that pushes the bullet forward pushed the gun back and up. Well, back and the up comes from other factors. The bullet has less inertia so it moves before the gun.

Think of it like the water balloon inertia tests. The balloon pops and the force of the rubber shrinking pulls it away quickly. The water actually hovers in air, balloon shaped, for a time before falling down. In this scenario the balloon is the projectile that leaves first and the gun maintains inertia for longer.

Walt Sherrill

New member
If inertia is the answer (or part of the answer), what's causing the barrel to rise (due to recoil) before the bullet has left the barrel? Some here claim heavier bullets cause that, and do more of it than a lighter bullet.

I keep asking THAT question, but nobody has offered an answer that didn't include an implicit, "Trust me. I know what I'm talking about." :p
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New member
I think I missed the "discussion" as well . . .

But, I don't need a video to tell me that a heavier bullet hits higher . . . I've experienced that for years out of my revolves. It's not about "where they hit" . . . it's about "sighting so they hit where you want them too" . . . . and shooting your pistol often to know your loads and what they'll do . . .

But . . . I'm sure all the videos will prove things "scientifically" . . . but I'd much rather watch a good looking gal in a bikini shooting if I have to watch a video . . . . just saying' . . . . :D

Walt Sherrill

New member
bedbugbilly said:
But . . . I'm sure all the videos will prove things "scientifically" . . . but I'd much rather watch a good looking gal in a bikini shooting if I have to watch a video . . . . just saying' . . . .

And you've done exactly what others have done -- you've said, "Trust me. I know what I'm talking about." Perhaps you do but offer us something more than "trust me."

When this discussion began we were talking about semi-autos. Others here have said revolvers are different -- and I accepted that for quite a while, until I noticed that some semi-autos with locked slides didn't seem to behave any differently than ones that didn't have locked slides. (A semi with a locked slide should behave just like a revolver.) I may just not be looking at the proper video examples; it's certainly hard to tell.

There are a lot of videos out there for semi-autos showing the bullet leaving the barrel, and barrel position when it happens. I haven't found any for revolvers. Wheel guns MAY be different, but the differences aren't easily seen or proven. Some range work COULD help you (or someone else) make your point.

Do you think semi-autos behave the same way as revolvers, with point of impact affected by bullet weight? Your statement above was only about revolvers.

I've seen someone on YouTube shooting a .357 Magnum revolver lock the gun down (wiring the barrel to a firm base) so that it can't recoil. When compared to same gun, shot from a rest, but not locked down, the difference is impressive. He wasn't concerned about the effect of recoil on the POI.

A possible test:

Set up a target at 10, 15 or 20 yards. (The sights on many guns are calibrated for 20 or 25 yards, and many factory loads are calibrated for 20, 25 or 50 yards.) Don't adjust the sights, if they're adjustable.

  1. Fire a shot at the bull with the barrel locked down using a light, fast round. Aim the gun and position it so that your point of aim is the bullseye. Fire it, and mark the target so you can know where the first shot hit. (Depending on how firmly you've attached it to the base or table, or how heavy THAT is, you may have to move the target!)
  2. Do it again with a heavier bullet so that recoil still can't happen. Mark that shot, too.
  3. Free the weapon and fire it from the same position, as you would when sighting in a gun, aimed at the same bullseye, using the lighter, faster round.
  4. Now do the same things again, using the heavier, slower round.

That's a very scientific approach, and you don't have to look at videos. There is no smoke or mirrors involved. And others trying it should be able to get similar results.

That would allow YOU to show that what you claim is correct -- that revolvers do start to recoil BEFORE the bullet leaves the barrel. You might also prove that a slower, heavier round will hit higher than a lighter, faster one -- but recoil must cause the barrel to rise BEFORE the bullet is out of the barrel for it to be true.

There may be a significant difference between revolvers and semi-autos and it could explain WHY that difference exists.

James K

Member In Memoriam
A lot of discussion, but two points need to be understood. No matter what else is involved, recoil begins the instant the bullet starts to move. But the gun is heavier than the bullet, so it moves more slowly.

The weight of the bullet is not the point in where it strikes, the velocity is; the faster the bullet leaves the barrel the less the barrel has moved in recoil.


Walt Sherrill

New member
JamesK said:
The weight of the bullet is not the point in where it strikes, the velocity is; the faster the bullet leaves the barrel the less the barrel has moved in recoil.

Agreed. It's all about how fast the bullet gets there and MAYBE about whether there is recoil enough BEFORE the bullet leaves the semi-auto's barrel to have caused barrel rise.

A bullet that hits the target sooner will have been affected by gravity less long, and will have dropped less than a heavier bullet that is going more slowly. If they travel as the same velocity, they should get there at the same time. Time in flight is the critical factor (and gravity), not weight. Gravity is the constant.

In the videos I posted earlier you can see that both a 1911 and a Ruger SR9c seem to have l no barrel rise until AFTER the bullet is out of the barrel. I've heard several explanations for this and tried to use one of those in a prior response.

Why isn't vertical rise visible in a longer-barreled .45 shooting a much slower, heavier bullet? Isn't that the BEST case in support of the argument that heavier bullets raise the barrel during recoil?

In theory, at least, recoil-induced barrel rise ought to be present in both cases, but just more obviously seen in the the longer-barreled gun shooting a heavier bullet. Unless the moving barrel and slide cause the semi-auto to behave differently than a revolver. But that doesn't seem to be the case in the videos I posted: the barrel seems UNMOVING (except slightly to the rear) until AFTER the bullet is gone.

I'll bet the .45 was shooting a 230 gr. FMJ round, which is twice the weight of the 9mm round (probably 115 gr.), traveling at roughly 3/4ths the 9mm round's muzzle velocity (840 fps. vs 1157 fps.), while going through a 5" barrel, rather than a 3.4" barrel. I'd expect to see SOME difference if the heavier, slower bullet in a longer barrel really affects barrel rise from recoil.