Recipe for 155gr x39?

chris in va

New member
I've been using 4227 under the Lee 155gr for about 1550fps in my CZ 527.

I just picked up some Reloder 7, any low/mid range recipes?


New member
With Reloader #7 with that bullet the starting load is 15.5 grs. the Max load is 22.0 grs. in the Lyman cast bullet manual. Velocity runs between 1400 and 2000 fps.

I would work up a series of loads that either end in .0 or .5 grs. and see which shoot best,I've found that cast loads ending in those increments generally shoot best.

In my SKS rifles 18.0 grs. gives excellent accuracy,I would think the CZ would do as well or better. If you find that your loads give you stringing a tuff of Dacron just enough to take up the empty space between the bullets base and powder charge should help eliminate that.


New member
In 2008 I tried to see how much power I could get out of an SKS.
The best was with a 180 gr Sierra and H110, but I eventually blew the firing pin right out of the gun. I got the wrong kind of replacement firing pin, modified it, fixed the gun, and generally gave up on the cartridge.

I collected quantities of large primer and small primer brass, wanting to measure the difference in pressure handling, but I never got there. The SKS itself was the weak link, not the brass.

chris in va

New member
Thank you very much, I'll try 18gr. As I use iron sights I'm not looking for ultimate accuracy, just a load that'll let me hit a 44% IDPA steel at 100 yards.

This gun is absurdly fun BTW. Seriously considering the 223 version as well.