Recent Lyman manual edition?


New member
Decided to get a Lyman reloading manual to get started. I've looked at the editions online, and it seems that 48th is the most recent. Is this true, or is there a 49th out now? Does it matter? How much really changes between editions?

Paul B.

New member
Chipperman. I think the 48th is the most recent. It must be, because I buy every new edition of the various loading manuals as they come out. I have not even seen a 48th ed. at my gun dealers yet, but I guess I'll have to look again.
To be honest with you, a new Lyman Manual has been long overdue in my opinion.
Paul B.


New member
Chipperman, the 48th is real new.The main change between all new additions, lyman and everyone else is they all back down on max loads. Combination of better equipment to test pressure and the reality that fools sticking hot cops of coffee between their legs and burning themselves can find morons serving as jurors and can get large awards.


New member
"they all back down on max loads"- -trlmech

So, what you're saying is that I should just go ahead and double all of my loads to get the "real deal". (just kidding)

OK. Tomorrow is my day off. I'll see if I can chase down a copy of Lyman 48th.

Thanks. :)


New member
Trust a published book from a company in the business before you listen to any old fool who just happens to own a computer :)