Recall of Grover Norquist


New member
I have seen one thread about this NRA recall vote closed by the moderators because it was believed to be a "conspiracy theory" about Grover Norquist, and that Frank Gaffney is a "nut".
If this thread gets closed, then so be it. But, the facts need to be told. Everyone needs to make their own decision, and not be influenced by someone else`s opinion.
Read the article and go to the links to inform yourself and base your decision on factual and intelligent reasoning. The NRA has called this investigation "stale" and baseless. The fact is, the NRA does not have the resources or funds to investigate a serious national security case like this. I would not want them to have spend millions of dollars to investigate, that is what the professional analysts have done.


New member
I saw this in the election issue of the Rifleman and decided to take a pass on it, since stories like this often have more to them than meets the eye. I have enough respect for Norquist that I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. What does it have to do with RKBA anyway?


Active member
My position is this: Unless someone has some overwhelming proof that Norquist is some kind of Muslim Brotherhood operative, then I give no credence to these claims. Why? Because there are many, well-funded, rabid anti-gunners that will do ANYTHING to tear the heads off of anyone affiliated with the NRA.

I stand with Ted and Grover. I don't really give a crap what their beliefs are or who they made angry. They have always supported the NRA and gun owner's rights. If there's considerable facts to back up Gaffney's claims, then let Gaffney lay it all out right here, point by point, for all of us pro-gun folks and NRA members to see.

If we let the antis tear us apart using whatever wacky non-evidence they can possibly grasp at, then we are stupid and silly for falling into their trap. If, on the other hand, someone has real evidence of a genuine problem with someone on the NRA's board, then let them make their an open forum.....subject to public scrutiny!


New member
WSM said:
Everyone needs to make their own decision, and not be influenced by someone else`s opinion.

Your specific problem is that this isn't the venue for it.

In order to assess the legitimacy and efficacy of Norquist's effort to assist muslims to a conclusion that their religion is not just its retrograde expressions, but something that can be retained as they come into the wider functional world, you necessarily have to discuss what Islam is, has been and can be.

I've argued the matter alongside and against some very smart people. It's an important issue, but not one that will be explored here.


New member
I think it's ridiculous to think that Norquist is a secret member of the Muslim Brotherhood bent on taking over the US from within. I don't particularly like his stance on a few issues but I'm not going to vote him off the board because of a conspiracy theory.


Sure, I think everyone should form their own opinion based on fact.

Here's a good way to sort this out.

1. Read the material on the allegations against Norquist.
2. Observe how much of it is based on allegations that originated with Frank Gaffney or his organization, the "Center for Security Policy".
3. Do some quick research on Frank Gaffney.
4. Ask yourself why anyone who can do the same quick research on Frank Gaffney that you just did would use information from him or from his organization unless it's to sway the opinions of people who they know won't bother to do even the most basic research.


New member
"The fact is, the NRA does not have the resources or funds to investigate a serious national security case like this"

"Serious security case", surely you jest. This is more Frank Gaffney conspiracy trash. Gaffney was an assistant sec'y of defense in the Reagan years. The Reagan administration canned Gaffney.

"And then, in 2011, Gaffney began to go off talking point: it wasn’t just the Democrats who were sleeper agents, Gaffney began declaring. The Muslim Brotherhood was also controlling GOP leaders and highly visible conservative champions, including some Fox regulars. Gaffney used his conservative media perch to accuse Grover Norquist, the conservative anti-tax champion, of being an internal perpetrator of the Muslim plot against America.2 He then went after CPAC, the famous and influential conservative grassroots advocacy event, slinging similar accusations. Gaffney even began to suggest that key members of the Bush administration had been in on the conspiracy."

In short: Gaffney is a whack job in the mold of Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.