Reason #6,872 I love my guns

Navy joe

New member
--The Latest From the Keep Your Laws off my Body Files--

-- I see in the news today that the Taliban militia in Pakistan is going to require all Hindus to wear special Marking on their clothing to ID them from Moslems. Not said, but by extrapolation I get that Christians, athiests, Krishnas, etc. will probably just be shot on sight. We all have seen that registration of people by their clothing never leads to confiscation, concentration, and then liquidation. As much as I'd like a big "I'm with stupid" sign on most ultra-liberals, I am so glad that I live here where we have a few rights left. I can't help but think of stuff like this when I get a CCW, or fill out a gov. form that requires ethnic group, or hear of some dumb local sheriff that wants a pink sticker on CCW holder's cars.
Afghanistan is a nation that is slipping out of the dark ages and quickly back into the stone age.

That place sounds like the most frightening place on the face of the earth.


New member
Some people are very proud to wear a pink sticker/marking.

More power to them, we need every person available to keep the erosion of our RKBA in check. If it would help, I would be proud to wear their logo, and I am not gay. I just want to keep my guns and the ability to protect myself and mine!


New member
I find the history of Afghanistan very interesting. And the current situation right now is really messed up, but after decades of nonstop war with the Russains, and then between their warlords, the people (for the most part) welcome the Taliban. Because they at least bring some semblance of order. Keep in mind that there is no real goverment to speak of in Afghanistan. It is the most destroyed nation on Earth. And even then the Taliban only controls parts of the country, other areas are controlled by different clans or warlords. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they started shooting all of their Hindus.