Ream out small-pistol primer 45 ACP?


New member
It seems to me, upon looking at cross sections of .45 ACP brass, that there would be nothing wrong with reaming out small primer .45 ACP brass to a bore that can accept the standard large pistol primers.

What do you think?



New member
This might be done. I say "might," not having thought about it much at all. I suppose the biggest problem would be to ensure concentricity of the new, enlarged primer pocket. I guess I see it as someone who just discards the small primer .45s.....sort of a 'why bother' attitude.


New member
I'm like Rico; haven't thought about it much. I guess if there were no more small pistol primers to be had, forever, I might look into reaming. I would like to make sure there is enough metal left in the case head to contain the pressure. I would just use a lathe with a floating tool holder in the tailstock to enlarge the pockets...


New member
I think it would be a whole lot easier to just use small pistol primers in those cases. Or do like I do and just never buy 45 Auto ammo with small primers.


New member
just buy small pistol primers. My load with small and large are the same loads.
Keep them seperate in bags and there is no hassel.


New member
The why is because I have no way to reload the small pistol primer brass. My Lee Pro 1000 is set up for the large ones. I could get the parts to make it do the smaller ones, but then I'd have to switch out the bits to change over from one to the other.

It also annoys me to pick out the small ones from the large ones. I figured if I could make a fixture for the drill press and run a cutter into the pocket to enlarge it I could convert them to large.


lee n. field

New member
It seems to me, upon looking at cross sections of .45 ACP brass, that there would be nothing wrong with reaming out small primer .45 ACP brass to a bore that can accept the standard large pistol primers.

What do you think?

I wouldn't bother. Segregate them out. Load them with the appropriate prime, or trade.
Necessity is the Mother of all inventions. You got to do what you got to do. Or FWIW: You could run a sale / trade add here (TFL) and make someone an offer they can't refuse to get a little of what you wish you had.

Marco Califo

New member
I do not think it would be safe. You are assuming that the small primer brass is otherwise the same in every dimension, just more metal. Then you would need to remove exactly the correct amount of metal. No way Jose!
It is also, IMO not worth the time and effort.
Sort 'em. Save them until you get a hand primer.


New member
There's a small ammo mfg in St George Ut called High Country Ammo and they will buy the small primered brass and sell you the large ones.

They offered to trade me any brass I take to them.

They are on St George Blvd.

I don't think modifying the cases is a good idea.



New member
Buying the parts to be able to seat small primers and swapping out those parts is still going to be cheaper and faster and easier than drilling out primer pockets, if it's even possible. You'll likely end up loading for a cartridge that takes small primers someday anyway so the easiest and safest thing to do is use small primers in them. Or trade them and never buy 45 Auto ammo with small primer pockets.


New member
Anything can be done, lots of things shouldn't be done.

Better idea than reloading steel or aluminum cases but still not for me.


New member
Actually I reamed out a small primered 45acp case just to try this out, as other have stated its slow and tedious work. Not to mention any time I have tried it you cannot ream enough material around the flash hole to seat a large primer in below flush. They all stick out. As been noted load em separate or just toss them unsafe and not worth risking yourself or your gun over.


New member
Geeeeze! We all know it's easier to just buy small primers. We all know reaming would be too much work to be worth while. But if every idea is met with the same "don't bother" attitude, nuttin' would change! Who ever heard about using beer cans for gas checks? Who'da thunk you could use a metal preserver as a bullet lube (alox)? And nobody would even think about powder coating bullets. If all shooters kept that attitude, we'd still be shooting flinters with black powder...

Keep thinkin' "outside the box"! :D


New member
Actually I reamed out a small primered 45acp case just to try this out, as other have stated its slow and tedious work. Not to mention any time I have tried it you cannot ream enough material around the flash hole to seat a large primer in below flush. They all stick out. As been noted load em separate or just toss them unsafe and not worth risking yourself or your gun over.

Well, this is the winning answer. I know there is enough material to accommodate the diameter of the large primer, but I did not know that they went to different depths. If the large primer will not seat flush, then it's game over for this idea.
