Really dumb question about FALs


New member
Excuse my ignorance and this dumb question, but I really want to know, when you are speaking to someone about FALs, do you pronounce the word FAL like in PAL or GAL or is does it rhyme with TALL or HALL. Or do you say each letter F....A.....L?

I warned you this was a dumb question :D


New member
Believe it or not, this has been a hotly debated topic in the past.....

The best explanation I've heard for all these silly things is that if the letters make up something that's relatively easy to say, it's acceptable to say it as a word, but if not, don't make things up. You'd never call an AK-47 an "ack forty seven" or an AR-15 an "aarfif-teen" but I have heard the BAR called a "bar" and don't even ask about "scuba."

I usually say "phaal" mostly because I'm lazy. Call it an "eff ay ell" if you wish, but most people understand either. Just don't call it a "fin phaal" when it's an L1A1 and you'll pretty much be alright.

Now go buy one, or better yet, build one and go shoot it a lot!!!!


New member
I would rate this as one of the best threads ever as far as "answering the unasked question" goes...

I've wanted to ask, but I've just been too lazy.


New member
Never in my life have I heard it pronounced "phal", and I've been around.

All I know, myself included, pronounce each letter.
Sounding out the name by the phonics of each letter would be like calling the USA "OOSAH".


New member
IMO, it should be pronounced F-A-L but it is entirely up to you as to how you would like to say it.

Generally, for acronyms, I usualy spell them out like USA, UMP, AK, AR, HK, FAL, etc. There are, however, some acronyms that are simpler and more catchy to say as a word than to spell out like CETME, FEMA, DARPA, etc.


New member
I always said F.A.L. But then I bought the AGI gunsmithing video and he calls them Phals. So now, I call them F.A.L.'s OR Phals, just depends on how I fal.


New member
yea I've wondered that too, always called em "phals" but what about CETME how do you say that, seems ridiculous to say C.....E....T....M.....E, is it 'seat me' or 'set me'


New member
No one say's "R" (AR15) except in Georgia- "Ack" (AK47)- "effin" (FN) - "Kzzz" for (CZ) so I think I'll stick with F.A.L. ;)


New member

I too originally pronounced it "phal" and I guess I wouldn't of been wrong if I said F...A...L.
Didn't think this would be a popular question.

Thanks for the clearing my question up.
Or did you??? ;)