Really, a 1911, again, or...


New member
I have gone thorough so many pistols in time. I moved away from the 45, now find myself totally intrigued by the Ruger 1911 but still wonder if the Sig 220 might be the right way to go. Opinions please... :confused:


New member
I swear by the 1911, and I love and currently own 2 Rugers.

I (personally) don't like anything in the Sig product line.

If it were me, i'd go with the Ruger.


New member
Have you had a 1911 before? If so why did you get rid of it? What were the reasons? Ask yourself the same things about the P220.

They are both great guns if they work for you. They don't work for everyone...

I have done the buy sell and buy again sell again dance before and I always end up selling for the same reasons I did the first time. :cool:


New member
hard choice either way

Hard to go wrong with either choice a good 1911 or a Sig P220. I have had at one point 6 1911's or so. Sold or traded them off for something else that I wanted more at the time, I still have two of them. I also have two Sig P220's also great guns. As I said hard choice. I guess you have to ask yourself a couple of questions Is price going to be an issue? Is it being bought for a specific purpose? How does each feel in your hand? Are you going new or used? If you have the chance to shoot each which one shoots better for you? If all things are equal and you still can't decide then flip a coin. ;)


New member
If you want SAO, go 1911. If you want a DA/SA, get the P220. Both pistols (if the 1911 is done right) basically represent the sweetest trigger pulls from their respective category. I love them both.
