reality check, or crazy person?

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New member
these guys are saying that enron was paying the talebon, and bushs campain, millions. enron wanted to run a pipe through afghanistan to make billions on oil. the guy in charge at enron was killed (woops, suicide) and bush's administration wants no investigation into enron? why? because they were paying the afghans to get a pipe through their land. what to make of this? crazy talk? some truth, anyone know about this?

read this 5 reason thing, and tell me what you make of it.


New member
I think first of all that this has no business in General Discussion, perhaps Legal, but not here.

Second, what in the world was all that baloney that you linked to? Some mental ramblings by some person on some web page don’t make for good evidence of anything except that he/she has an active imagination. Now if that person had followed up with something factual, showing anything at all, that might be a worthwhile read.

Last but not least, you presented a lot of suppositions accusing the Bush administration of wrong doing, but nothing to back it up. I follow this stuff pretty closely and I am still waiting for ANYBODY to show me ANY evidence of wrongdoing on behalf of the Bush administration. In fact there is strong evidence that the Bush administration did nothing causing the floundering corporation to go belly up. That is exactly what the government is supposed to do when a poorly run company runs into trouble; nothing. I don’t want to spend my hard earned dollars bailing out this company and that company. To get back to your point, if you have some suspicions find something to back them up.


New member
I think first of all that this has no business in General Discussion, perhaps Legal, but not here.

well, i see alot of posts like this in this forum.

Second, what in the world was all that baloney that you linked to? Some mental ramblings by some person on some web page don’t make for good evidence of anything except that he/she has an active imagination. Now if that person had followed up with something factual, showing anything at all, that might be a worthwhile read.

exactly, i "linked to" not exactly proving i believe it. just wanted to see others views on it. thought maybe someone could shed some light. nothing wrong in that is there? the minute we begin to stop questioning things we might as well just hand over our guns/freedoms.

Last but not least, you presented a lot of suppositions accusing the Bush administration of wrong doing, but nothing to back it up. I follow this stuff pretty closely and I am still waiting for ANYBODY to show me ANY evidence of wrongdoing on behalf of the Bush administration. In fact there is strong evidence that the Bush administration did nothing causing the floundering corporation to go belly up. That is exactly what the government is supposed to do when a poorly run company runs into trouble; nothing. I don’t want to spend my hard earned dollars bailing out this company and that company. To get back to your point, if you have some suspicions find something to back them up.

funny, the fact that the "administration" is trying to sweep the whole enron investigation under the rug proves what? there is no wrong doing. i think not.

"lastly" i said someone was posting these things and linked it to prove they were not my "thinking" because people like you would assume they were my words if i just repeated what they said. so, attacking me was pointless.
Western, it appears that ahenry applied for, and didn't get, a moderator's job. He appears to think he owns this webboard. Of the thousands of replies I've read on all webboards, his is definitely the rudest. Whether he agrees or not, there is one little thing called respect. He needs to take a class on how to be nice. :rolleyes:


New member
Millions to Bush's campaign? That would be a bit hard to hide, especially with the liberal media doing all they can to hang this on Bush.

Maybe a better place to look for a smoking gun is with Clinton's head of the SEC, who granted a ton of unusual waivers that allowed Enron to do the stuff they did.

Hmmmm. Now, why on earth is Peter Jennings not covering this part of the story???

That's really odd, unbiased as he is, and all. You know, dedicated to the truth.

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