Real world 330AM: Lyman, SC- CHL holder stops nightclub shooting with 1 to the leg


New member
Here's a real world example of a nightclub shooting at 330 AM in Lyman, SC earlier this week. A CHL holder stopped the threat with a shot in the leg. I don't personally know the stress this CHL holder was going through, and the leg shot worked, but I'm guessing he wasn't aiming for the leg or to wound.

BUT, the bad guy with a gun was stopped by a GREAT guy with a gun.

Good Guy's Leg shot stops bad guy shooting in a nightclub

It will be very interesting to see how the federal government characterizes this nightclub attack, as the assailant and crowd appear to be non-particular-group-specific / not-anti-anything.

44 AMP

First off, lets be clear about something, because the media coverage on this (if any beyond what you linked) WILL NOT BE.

There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between a shot "to the leg" and "returned fire, hitting him in the leg". BIG DIFFERENCE,

But, someone saying he was taken out by a leg hit implies the defender aimed at, and hit the leg. Unless the CHL holder himself says he intended to hit the leg, I think he would have aimed center of mass in a club parking lot at 3am.

The more people who go around saying the shooter was stopped by a shot to the leg, the more ignorant people are going to think a shot to the leg is all that is needed, and its a small step from there to them believing we should just shoot the gun out of their hands, like in the movies, and so shooting center of mass isn't "justified".

Evan Thomas

New member
The only reason this is being described as a "nightclub shooting," or getting even the tiniest bit of national attention, is that it happened shortly after the Orlando massacre. An equally accurate description would be "fight in a parking lot," but that doesn't make for much of a headline.

I'm sure that the man who fired in self-defense is glad he was armed, but another take-home message here is that if you want to avoid being shot at, don't hang around outside bars at 3:00 am. :cool:


New member
Yep I've seen a downtown gang related shooting temporarily turn into a school shooting because it happened across from a charter school set up in a former retail building to help adults get a diploma.

Another pedestrian bar fight wandered onto the edges of a college campus will also get spun as a college campus shooting.
This always happens when there is political motivation to do so. Most people read the headlines and fill in the rest of the info with imagination.
I know we are not supposed to talk about politics, but any story put out by the media has political spin.
There's probably a homicide every night somewhere in the USA on bar property

Evan Thomas

New member
The reason the media spins these stories is at least as much about profit as it is about politics. If they can tie a comparatively minor story like this to a big, sensational one, they'll attract more readers, and the more readers they have, the bigger the bottom line.