Real Shotgunners Shoot Pink Shells.....

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Among Manly Men, I stand proud.

I've served my country and community through a war, prison riots and a few Boy/Girl Scout camping trips.

There's honorable scars on my XXXL frame, and I was described once as looking like someone Tony Soprano might know professionally.

So, why will I be dropping shells into my Beretta of a hue more often found on Project Runway than in a bastion of Testosterone like a firing line tomorrow on Range 4 at PGC?

Because it's for a worthy cause.

Federal has issued some 12 gauge target ammo with bright pink hulls. A portion of the proceeds goes to breast cancer research.

That still kills far too many women. Mom and an aunt died of it, Daughter's at risk. So is my Niece.

My home range, PGC trap and Skeet Center, has these for less than Gun Clubs.

The Federal ammo I've used in the past has varied from Very Good to AWESOME. The pink load is 1 1/8 oz at 1145 FPS, good for clays, dove etc.

Good ammo, good price, good cause.


Go Pink......


been using them all summer long...


Bailey Boat

I'm secure enough in my masculinity to put them in my pink shell bag and stand tall while on the line!!!!!

Those that don't like it can stand to the left and I'll deal with them later....


New member
A good cause, and there are also many other avenues to support the program. You have to give the leaders in this endeavor credit for all their creative initatives to fund this need.

Pink has become seriously important.


New member
The Top Gun stuff is great. When I buy factory ammo without regard for a "keeper" hull, that's what I buy.

I have precious little need for more, but yeah, those are neat and I'd buy them in a heartbeat if I needed more. The pink is a nice touch, gives something interesting to look at, and the quality of the cause is without question.

Kudos to Federal for this; I'd like to see other makers do the same.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam

Slugo, thanks for the pic. You had posted something about these not long ago, which is why I was on the lookout for them.

I'm gonna keep the empties after I shoot them up. Betcha they'd make a nice training load with 3/4 oz of 8.5s for some lucky little girl.


glad I could help. I buy mine at the Trop Gun Shop in Elizabethtown, PA. Huge gun dealer who sells them for $48 bucks a flat. Only 12g a #8's, but who cares! If it helps one person beat that dreaded disease, I would buy 'em at just about any reasonable price.

Thank you Federal... :)


New member
I have used about 4 cases of that ammo with my wife shooting Trap. No one made fun of us, many asked us why it was pink, a few actually knew about it. Something nice for a company to do.


New member
Shells are shells to me. I will maybe pick up a case if they are still making them when I come home from college this thanksgiving.

Deja vu

New member
I have been shooting those for a few months now. My wife likes the fact that I am willing to support a (female) cause.

I saw that I was not the only one at the local range shooting them.

My local bi-mart sells them for the very same price as other target loads.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Thanks,folks. I've no idea how reloadable these are,but I'm sure Federal knows.

Betcha they are duplicates of their bulk pack hulls.

Should get to the range tomorrow, will advise...

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Shot 4 rounds of wobble trap with these pink'uns. Was overchoked, still hit 92/100. A little off my usual but not bad.

They shoot clean. Smell almost like paper case old styles.

Decent ammo....


New member
Was told by a fellow that tried to re-load the pink shells I gave him that a lot of them weren't good afterwards. Said they wound up too large to fit in the barrel after reloading. I don't re-load so I can't tell you myself. This guy reloads a lot though and had trouble with them.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Steel based hulls like these expand to fit the chamber on firing like brass ones do, but while the brass ones shrink back almost to pre firing specs, steel does not do that much.

Resizing OUGHT to fix these,just like with Gun Clubs. And like GCs, I'll reload them once and pitch them.


New member
I suspect I shouldn't post this, as it's a touchy subject and it's generally not a good idea to badmouth charitable causes, but playing the devil's advocate here: has any health-related cause in recent history had as much attention as breast cancer while accomplishing so little?

Over the past two decades, the Komen foundation has put about $2 billion toward breast cancer research, awareness, and treatment. I suspect there are funds contributed from organizations other than Komen as well.

During those same two decades, breast cancer mortality rates have dropped 2%--a drop so small that it could just as likely be attributed to coincidence as to any sort of real progress.

I understand that we love our moms, our sisters, our wives, and our daughters, and if just one of their lives is saved, it's a success. I just happen to think that for as much hype as the cause gets (professional athletes using pink bats, shoes, and gloves, various charity runs/walks, pink versions of everyday items), it's got to be one of the least productive charitable efforts I can think of.

Before anyone gets too peeved, I'm not saying it's a bad cause, but part of me feels like money given to breast cancer causes is money that may have been better put toward addressing some other illness. I guess if the shotgun shells cost the same either way, it doesn't really matter.
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New member
My mother has worked in the oncology field for 25 years, and I can definately tell you that there are immense improvements in treatment made. There most likely won't be a sudden miraculous cure for it. If we ever find one, it will take time, and a lot of money to find it. Is it worth it? In my opinion, every penny. Some people may think otherwise, but that is their opinion. I will continue to support the fight for breast cancer in any way I possibly can, and will until the day I die. This is one way to do it.


New member
Thank you for posting this! As a woman and daughter of a breast cancer survivor this is something that is often on my mind. Not only is money going to a good cause but i think it will show that the firearms community is not only about killing things, of course i know everyone on here already knows that:)