Real murder-rate in South Africa?


New member
I was on an official police site for South Africa and the "official" murder rate according to the police was about 32 per every 100,000 people,but the u.n.'s rate for R.S.A is about 65.I realize that the murder rate is certainly higher than what the police say,but does anybody here have any clue what it really is?According to Gun Control Alliance-South Africa they had over 24,000 murders in 1998.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Within the last month or two, I've read that the 65/100,000 is probably more nearly correct. Don't remember the source, but I recall it as credible.



New member
Police response time in SA is something on the order of two days. Given that, I expect the official figures under-report the facts.