Real Life High Speed Chase and Gunfight

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New member,0,6568715.story?coll=ny-linews-headlines

I have been following this for some time. I actually graduated from the same highschool the victims and attackers went to, although a very long time ago. This is most certainly not a high crime / gang banger typee of area. It is the exact type of suburbia that people say "this never happens in." I know the roads it happenned on and am on them often!

In summary 1 - 2 cars full of middle and upper middle class older teens pursue another car with two people in it for the purpose of robberry. This goes on for miles and miles through low crime residential areas and highways. The passenger in the attacked car frantically calls the police while shots are fired from the pursuing vehicle(s). Finally the driver is hit in the head and crashes into a tree. The passenger survices and the police are in the process of rounding up these morons one after another. WHAT A MESS!!!!

We have all entertained the SHTF scenario out of amusment of a car full of BGs chasing and shooting at us like in a Hollywood movie. That it happenned right in my area at 10:30 at night when I could have just as easily been on the road and in the middle of this is a real wake up call!


New member
It's a good thing they found them, I wonder how they did. ...There was a police chase on I-84 monday . The BG [stolen car] is in serious condition after wrapping his car around a tree. He will also be charged with a crime involving fleeing from police which took effect that day for the first time !!


I'm guessing there's more to the story than what's being reported.
What did the "Beretta" kid have on him? :confused:

They specifically name him as the one being persued for this robbery motive, not his buddy who paid the ultimate price for this high speed chase.



New member
Going back to the original story the kid being pursued and his buddy were outside the buddy's house at the car when they attackers drove up. There have been numerous reports from the police that robbery was the motive but not one word that the kid being pursued was involved in something dirty. The kid shot appears to have been squeeky clean. Attackers and the pursued victim apparently knew each other.

It will be interesting to follow this one as it continues to develop.


I don't believe anyone's going to involve themselves in a high-speed chase where guns are fired if they didn't know what they were going after or if there wasn't some other personal motive.

If it was simply a "robbery", how did they know the one who got shot in the head didn't have anything valuable on him? And what made them think that the other guy did? Doesn't make sense.

It would have been alot easier to just let them go and wait for easier prey, don't you think? :confused:


Attackers and the pursued victim apparently knew each other.

Sorry ... just caught that.

Even more reason to believe "personal motive" though.
Pretty crappy journalism IMO. :rolleyes:

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I'm thinking the use of a firearm is incidental to this story. The story is about murder, arrests and motives. Not what TFL is about.

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