ready to shoot


New member
happy holidays everyone+was just wondering people's opinions on how long they might go without firing a weapon they own? how long can that badboy sit without worrying an inkling about it firing when needbe? of course, we all know it might not sit that long afterall, but it can be interesting discussion and some do sit a long time between shots depending on the firearm


New member
yep this is what they call a dying thread & that might be a stretch. lol

I will say(killin 2 birds with one stone as a last ditch effort to get this thread off life support:cool:) that I have never gone even 1 yr without firing every firearm my wife and I own, but I have a buddy that has a firearm that has not been fired in over 30yrs. the story goes(partially as I need to get with him to solidify the story I never really fully listened to while we drank beers back in the day) that the firearm was fired a couple times in the 70's and hasn't been fired since and its a family heirloom rifle. it worked perfectly at the time it was last fired. I could see some of my weapons having longer dry spells overtime, and I think I would still always have the utmost confidence in the firepower. my revolvers stay loaded 24/7, and I honestly don't know how many yrs they could sit without being shot though I believe it to be decades I guess. Of course I wouldn't know as mentioned above, but they are in a good atmosphere within our home whether it be summer, winter, or somewhere in between.


New member
As long as it doesn't sit in a humid environment, it should be fine for just about forever.

Keeping it lightly oiled once a year would be ideal.



New member
My shotgun sat for about 6 years without being touched.
Last year I took it out and shot some skeet.
Finally replaced the old recoil pad with a slip on though.

S&W Kinda Guy

New member
I have a Sig Mosquito that I got back in May. Traded a PS3 for it. Its been sitting in my safe ever since. :eek:

And to make it worse, its my first .22. I got a box of ammo with the trade and I havent even opened it. I've never even seen or held a .22 cartridge! :eek::eek::eek:


New member
I've never even seen or held a .22 cartridge.

Now that's a shame, man! I'd say the longest has to be about 13 years for one of mine, an old No.1 MarkIII SMLE. She's gonna be 96 soon, I bought her when I was a lot younger, always wanted one, but between ammo expense and being a PITA to find, plus her age, she's been the resident safe queen.


New member
I have a lot of them that I inherited from my grampa that have not been fired in well over 20 years. All of them are in working condition, and could be wiped down of the protective coat of oil, loaded, and fired if need be.

Last year I found a Wildey Magnum with several barrel, and extractor kits. It is a ton of fun to shoot. Finding brass for it is not fun, or cheap when I do. So it gets to go to the range a time or two a year. I also found some Norma brass for a Sharpe & Hart rifle that has been in the safe unfired for 18 years. I know Norma stopped making brass, and loaded ammo for it a number of years ago.

The .44 Henry chambered in .44 Henry Rimfire has not been fired in over 50 years:eek:. I had it checked by a qualified gunsmith that says it is still in shootable condition. Now finding ammo for it is problem.

Hog Hunter

New member
I shoot my pistols at least every other week. My shotguns stay busy year round so I shoot them all the time. My bigger calibure rifles also stay busy year round for deer seaseon, hog hunting and just wasting rounds at the range. I'd say at least every six mounths all the guns in my collection get fired. except for my 50 cal muzzel loader.


New member
When I have the time I load the bunch in the truck and go to the back 40 and practice, usually every other month. Lately (work and injury) I just haven't had the time to do it though.