READ THIS, CA Voters!!! Voting guide...

Thanks Drjones.

It behooves every Californian who enjoys owning or shooting gonnes to vote this Tuesday. The fate of this state is at stake. We cannot allow it the state to erode our rights in the name of public safety.



New member
Yes please VOTE! I just read that Davis is in the low 40's now. People who would normally vote Democrat are going to be sitting at home this Tuesday because they hate Davis so much. This is our chance to keep him from another crooked four years of passing new firearms restrictions. Simon may not be a champion of gun rights, but at this point in California, someone who will sit in office and do nothing is 100% better than someone doing something, since "something" will end up being more erosion of our rights.

The only way we will get Davis out is if we all realize that our individual vote can actually make the difference here -- it's going to be that close.

And just to fire you up and let you know the anti-gunners aren't just sitting around, here's what Michael Moore is telling people to do (an anti-gunner in my office emailed this to me to "show me the error of my ways"):


Subject: Bowling for November 5th

Michael Moore wrote this and is worth reading.

Yes, It Was a Bushmaster

October 25, 2002

Dear friends,

Yesterday, Larry Bennett, a 16-year old, was shot in the head after he was involved in a minor traffic accident. You probably didn't hear about it because, well, how could he be dead if he wasn't shot by The Sniper?

Yesterday, an unidentified woman was shot to death in her car in Fenton,MI. You probably didn't hear about it because she had the misfortune of not being shot by The Sniper.

Two nights ago, Charles D. Bennett, 48, an apartment security guard, was shot to death after confronting two teenagers in his parking lot in Memphis, TN. You probably didn't hear about it because the sniper was too busy sleeping in his car that night, and thus, poor Charles was not shot by The Sniper.

Yes, The Sniper has apparently been caught, so we can go back now to NOT reporting the DOZENS of gun deaths that occur every day, the ones that just aren't newsworthy because they happen in all those old boring ways -- unlike the ways of The Sniper, who was interesting and creative and exciting and scary! He played so much better on the news.

Of course, had Congress not caved in to the NRA we would have known after the first HOUR of the first day of the killings three weeks ago that those bullets were coming out of a rifle that belonged to John Williams/Mohammad. How would we know this?
It's right there in the state records in New Jersey: this gun was purchased this past July, under the name of John Mohammad! Many more people died needlessly in the days and weeks after that first hour of the shootings, and every one of their deaths could have probably been prevented had we had a national ballistics fingerprinting
data base.

Thank you, Mr. Heston for this unnecessary carnage. Thank you, Mr. Bush, for supporting Mr. Heston and his group's agenda -- which protects only the criminals.

And thank you, Bushmaster Firearms, Inc., for providing the gun used to shoot the 13 people in the DC area. Bushmaster's president, Richard E. Dyke, was the Maine finance chairman of George W. Bush's 2000 Presidential campaign.

According to Business Week, Dyke had to step down as Bush's finance chair "after reporters began quizzing him about his business dealings. Bushmaster Firearms Inc., is notorious for using loopholes to sidestep a 1994 federal ban on assault rifles." Bush and Bushmaster.

Too tragically perfect. If everyone reading this letter (and you now number in the millions) would share this fact with just one person who is thinking of skipping going to the polls on Nov. 5th, I believe that on Nov. 6th, Mr. Bush will have neither the Senate nor the House doing his or Heston's bidding. Americans don't like people who assist serial killers in being able to ratchet up their kills because The Sniper knows that his bullets are prohibited by law from being traced to his gun.

That, in a nutshell, is what the NRA is all about -- and I implore all responsible gun owners and hunters to join with me in putting an end to the NRA agenda once and for all. Don't give Bush his majority on November 5th.

He's already seen to it that his cronies in big business have wiped out your 401 (K), and they are doing their best to see that you are left with no pension at all. That alone should be reason enough to NOT pull a single lever for a Republican on Nov. 5th. Send a message. Do something brave.


Michael Moore Because e-mail can be altered electronically, the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed.


New member
It might be better than you think!!

An overnight field poll conducted on October 30 shows Republican Simon leading Gray Davis by three points – 42 percent to 39 percent. The survey conducted by the Polling Company, Inc. used a sample of 500 likely voters.

Not a big sample, but I will take those three points!!!!

In other good news for Simon, the new survey shows Davis’ unfavorable ratings at 57 percent – one of the highest negative ratings of any governor in the country.

I am glad its almost over.... If I see many more political ads, I think my head will implode.:eek:


New member
If Simon gets elected, I'll be shocked, but happy... The lesser of the evils won..

Davis is amazing; it takes REAL TALENT to take a state surplus and make it into a black hole of debt for the next 10 years in the biggest energy f*-up the likes which will not be seen anytime soon..

People aren't voting FOR Simon; they are just not voting for Davis.

Simon sucks.. But Davis wins the big cheeze in that catagory hands down :barf:


New member
For my district, the race is between Honda and Herman.

We had Linda Rae Herman speak at our NRA members council meeting, and I'm not surprised that she got a C- from the GOA.

I asked her a question about the so-called assault weapons ban and high capacity magazine ban, and she dodged the question.