Re: Rust Removal


New member
Re: Rust Removal

About a month ago JOHNKSA posted a how to on rust removal. He recommended 0000 steel wool dry. For all of you that were skeptical, I became your crash test dummy. I needed to remove some light rust with very minimal pitting. I am pleased to report that the method described in JOHNKSA post worked VERY well. The rust went bye-bye! The finish looks better now than it did the day I bought the gun new. Only the very minor pitting shows in one tiny spot.

Thanks for the post!


New member
It might have removed it for the time being but the rust is still there. Its just hiding until it gets fed some moisture.


New member
It might have removed it for the time being but the rust is still there. Its just hiding until it gets fed some moisture.

This doesn't make sense to me. Rust is just iron being oxidized in the presence of water. Once rust is removed, it is gone. Now, if the blue or other protective coating is gone, the metal will rust more readily. In most climates, there will be some water in the air. This is why you use a water displacing oil or other synthetic to protect the metal.


The finish looks better now than it did the day I bought the gun new.
Polishing with fine steel wool (or a very soft wirewheel) is actually part of the hot blueing process (called "carding") so it's not too surprising that it would liven up old blueing as long as it's not overdone. Glad I could help out.

A light coat of BreakFree CLP or something similar should prevent a recurrence. ;)