Re-make of an old poster (Carry!)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Wanted to update this image:

Not sure if this is an comments and suggestions are welcome:

Jim V

New member
I like the second poster much better. The size difference between teh two handguns is more apparent. With the first, if you can carry something as big as the S&W .22, why not carry a small S&W 9mm?


Moderator Emeritus
I like...

...the second one, mostly because that is one slick looking 1911. Somebody would have to be just all ate up with good taste to own a swoopy V10 like that.



New member
Another vote for the 2nd poster over the first, but I'd like it even better if the 1911 was a bit more prominent, maybe moved up toward the top in the frame so the whole outline shows below the yellow banner.

I'd also prefer double quotes around "EXPECTING TROUBLE" over what's there now, but my real preference is nothing setting off EXPECTING TROUBLE.


New member
I like number two better.

1) I agree the size differential is more apparant and the little .22 LOOKS like a mousegun.
2) The fuzzyness and distance of the .45 makes it clear it is not really there but the sharply focussed .22 is.
3) The red background for poster number one is vaguely alarming and distressing. Red is the color of blood and fear and not of confidence ans safety.
4) The yellow and black analogy to seatbelts is one which needs repetition.
5) The hand in number one adds surprisingly little interest.

OTOH I like the caption for number one better than number 2 because the little gun is plainly a .22. It is not ANY gun, it is a .22.


New member
Great poster. The only thing that I can suggest is that the second line of the top quote is split by the barrel of the 22. Maybe move the barrel down so the quote is not split in the middle. It would be easier to read and would kind of "flow" better.


David Park

New member
I also like the second poster much more than the first, but agree with some of the problems mentioned above. Perhaps a vertical layout would work better, so that the .22 would not poke into the yellow banner (or at least not interrupt the flow of the text -- maybe you could add those diagonal black caution stripes as a border?). Also, the .45 could be seen uncropped, but still faded into the background with the text over it. The cropping is the worst flaw IMHO, and even simply extending the current poster down to show the whole gun would be an improvement.

My 2 cents.



I'd rather reference 'insurance' myself since every adult with a decent IQ can relate to it.

To wit:

"People use seatbelts for inexpensive [cheap?] insurance against injury."

"People use [carry?] firearms [handguns?] for inexpensive insurance against criminals."

RE: the first pic...

Like the visual but would work on the contrast a bit; that reddish hue bothers me for some reason...can't say exactly why.

As usual, excellent work, my friend!

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
I think the second one is better.

Perhaps the upper poster would be better if the .22 auto was replaced by the mini-revolver, and the background changed. . . .

Another vote for "normal quotation marks" as opposed to the <<whatever marks.>>

Johnny Guest

Long Path

New member
How about framing the bottem one with black and yellow stripes, a la old airmail letter envelopes?

I agree w/ David Park that the faded big gun works, but the cropping doesn't.


New member
I'm confused with the first line on the second poster.

"No one wears seat belts only when expecting an accident"

Would it work better like this?

"No one only wears seat belts when expecting an accident"

Otherwise they float my boat.

Let our edumicated brethern comment. :)