re-arm Lara Croft


New member
So I was going over some test photos for a project we're doing at work -- one of our admins volunteered to be a model for me for some cover graphics.

"Oh my Gosh" I think, flipping through the files... "she's a dead ringer for Lara Croft." On a whim, I ask if she's interested in playing Lara for a photo series on our own time -- and find out she loves the character, and would love to do it.

So here's the question... what should I try and dig up for her in the way of pistols?

A local shop has a couple HK USP .45s I might be able to sweet-talk my way into borrowing if they still have 'em by the time we can get back together.. I have a gov't 1911.. any other ideas? (or temporary prop doners in the Boise area... and no Oleg, I promise not to cut in on your action)


Blue Duck357

New member
I'm not certain but I think she was armed with glocks in the original video games. In truth though her main "guns" have always been her 44's ;)

PS, sure sign you're spending too much time on gun boards when you meet someone who's a dead ringer for Croft and your first thought is "What kind of pistols should she have".


New member
PS, sure sign you're spending too much time on gun boards when you meet someone who's a dead ringer for Croft and your first thought is "What kind of pistols should she have".
At a guess, Kaylee is a woman. At least every Kaylee I have met is, unless the user name stands for something.

That said, it really isn't the guns that most guys see first.


New member
Glocks? I thought they were supposed to be BHP's or 1911s? Silly me.. I remember the movie was some kinda competition HK..

As to the other..
well, even if I were interested in courting the lady, I'm pretty certain she don't go for chicks... ;)



Arming Lara ...

... Since you seem to be leaning toward big autoloaders - and this is mostly about firing up the fantasy thing, right? - why not try to scrounge up a pair of Desert Eagles in, say, satin chrome or brushed stainless?

'Course depending on how the model handles them, even a pair of pedestrian matte blue DEs could be impressive.

Be sure and fashion some kind of thigh holsters to hold them though. Since this is (presumably) for a still-shoot, they wouldn't need to be as durable as ones used in the kind of stunt work shown in the movie.

Normally, the 2-gun, Bruce-Willis-Last-Man-Standing scenario doesn't do much for me. But a "hot chick" with an impressive set of guns gets my attention every time. :D

Good luck.

Blue Duck357

New member
BlueDuck357 gets my vote for the "Foot In Mouth Award" for 15 March 2002!

Blueduck regretfully acknowledges he deserves the award and will from now on always look at the user name before posting:eek:


New member
To match her mostly-black outfit, a pair of Glock 35s or Kimber Eclipse IIs would work great. Or, for those out there would prefer contrast, a pair of Kimber Gold Match IIs or CZ57Bs in satin nickel.

Lara Croft with a pair of Officer's model 1911s would just look stupid. Ms. Croft should be packing serious firepower.:p


New member
Blueduck regretfully acknowledges he deserves the award and will from now on always look at the user name before posting


New member
My vote would be for a pair of Compact Stainless USP .45's. I always thought those tiny cartoon hands and small polygon frame looked really goofy holding 2 big ol honkin Desert Eagles. Kinda like that girl from VIP (ok, you caught me, I have never made it through a whole episode though). A pair of P99 QPQ's would work good too.


New member
In the video game series..lara carried browning hi powers.

I'd have her carry a custom carry comp built on SV/STI in 10mm..
or a M4 with SOPMOD package.

anyway too that boise area...


New member
I do believe that the character used two Desert Eagles in the game. I think that brushed chrome is the best looking finish on them.


New member
there have been alot of Tomb Raider games, and I never played them much but I distinctly remember seeing cover art and posters with her holding twin Nickle or chrome DE's.