RCBS Summit Press


New member
I have looked at these looks interesting on sale now wanting input from someone that has one or actually used one. Good points bad dont need it just like trying different things. Curious if they really help runout at all?
Thanks in advance for input

F. Guffey

New member
It does not seem like that long ago when they were introduced. I have old books that review presses of old. One of the reviews covered the Hollywood style press. Basically the same review for the Hollywood press would cover the Summit.

One press revised in the old days was one of the strangest. In my short life I have seen one. I was at the Napa flea market when I asked about a tool that was being sold as a juicer. I tried to explain to the dealer/seller it would have to be mounted to the sealing to work and even of it was a juicer there were too many parts missing. When operated it looked like a spider doing push ups.

I purchased the juicer/reloading press for $10.00. It uses 7/8x14 dies and C&H type shell holders.

Curious if they really help run out at all?

The alignment between the die and shell holder is close to meaningless without a case installed in the shell holder. My best presses do not have alignment between the ram and die without a case. I am the one that has presses that have rams that kick forward at the top and back at the bottom when the ram is raised with out a case to align the two.

If that was a problem I could correct all the problems with tapered pins. I have a drawer full of tapered pins for assembling things that require alignment.

F. Guffey