RCBS Primer Stop Pin Selection.

Yosemite Steve

New member
OK. I have 3 different primer stop pins (just now noticed) for my RCBS automatic feeder tube primer stufferator. All this time I have been using the same one for large rifle, large magnum rifle, large pistol and large magnum pistol primers. I found two other primer stop pins in a box and upon further inspection found that one is a smaller diameter and the two larger diameter stop pins have two different depths by .005". I can't for the life of me find anywhere that explains which one goes to what!!!! :confused:

Obviously the small one is for "small" primers. As for the depths I dunno! My primer pockets are .026" deep and my primers are .025" thick. I am reading where the optimal primer seating leaves them at .004" below flush. I don't want to squarsh them. Have I been doing it wrong all this time. Can I use the same stop pin to install all of my large rifle and pistol primers as well as their magnum siblings? FFS I just want to prime my newly sized custom sentimental Savage short chambered non poochy primer producing 30-06 hand weighed and pampered cases without wondering if I should go with the deeper primer stop pin or the shallower one that was in it.

The one I have been using pushes the primers to the .004" below flush and will go no further, but does that mean I am squarshing the poor little buggers?