RCBS Loadmaster tip


New member
Just learned this, maybe it can help anybody using the digital Loadmaster.

One thing I've noticed is that certain "log" type powders tend to log jam at the spout/nozzle. There are threads in the nozzle that catch the kernels. The unit then cycles and cycles.....till the log jam pops and a bunch of powder dumps into the pan. The subsequent charge is then almost always to heavy, and then I must tap a few grains off to get it to spec. The problem was consistent enough that I would keep the lid off the powder hopper when using the unit, so that I could more simply tap off the excess.

Mentioned this at a match and a guy suggested this tip: cut a short length of common drinking straw and fit it into the nozzle. OK, I'll try it.

Works great. I cut about a 1-1/4" length of paper drinking straw, stuffed it up the spout, leaving about 1/4" exposed, and had at it. Zero overload/tap off's over the next 50 rounds. That's not a large sample pool, but a significant improvement over what was occurring before the mod.

I suspect plastic straw would work even better. The diameter needs to be close, but not exact. The new nozzle will oscillate off center but that does not matter. The lack of threads avoids the log jams and powder spills off much more easily.

RCBS, if you're reading this, make the last 1/4" of these spouts smooth/no threads. Everybody else, try the mod, you'll love it.


New member
If you look up "mcdonalds straw trick" you'll see a bunch of links about this issue. Another thing that helps with these units is to make sure whatever surface it is on is completely level, and then make sure the unit itself is level. It definitely helps with the consistency of powder charges.