RCBS chargemaster


New member
I gave in to temptation and ordered a Chargemaster. Tired of dealing with trickle and my Lee Perfect Powder. R15 has really acted up and Varget is not much better. And I can forget running IMR powder in it.
Chargemaster should let me throw anything I hope. And I can experiment more with small increments without taking up a lot of time.


New member
You'll love it. I have had mine for about a year and it was one of the best reloading gear investments I have made. Be sure to plug it into a regulated power source like a Belkin or APC UPS for best accuracy.

James R. Burke

New member
You will love it. I have a older RCBS combo set up when they first started coming out. Never had a problem, and very accurate. Mine works great with all the powders I put thru it.


New member
:)You'll love it!!!!! I don't know how I lived with out mine!!!! I know there a little $$$. But you just type in what you want and it takes are of the rest. Over and over and over agian.

Why do you use a UPS? Just for the protections... Or want?


New member
Great product

Have been using mine for a bit over one year. Used to check every tenth round or so with a balance beam and quickly learned that accuracy of the digital scale is unsurpassed. I quit checking with the balance beam scale. I load for rifle with the Charge Master Combo with several types of powder. Load for pistol with a Little Dandy measure and use the digital scale to check accuracy of the Little Dandy.

Might sell my two beam scales and powder trickler.


New member
Some have reported variance in accuracy when used without a regulated power source.

See here:


9) Use a good surge suppressor, or better yet, plug the ChargeMaster into a line conditioner that provides "clean", correct voltage. A few users told us all their problems disappeared when they plugged the power cord into a line conditioner or UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).


New member
Very nice units and throw very accurate. Wish I knew you wanted one because I am going to have one that was use very little for sale very soon when I get to pick it up from an old freind.


New member

You will enjoy the chargemaster. One problem that they have is, when they trickle the last few grains of powder, sometimes you will get a tenth or two tenths grain over charge. A fellow member of TFL advised me to take a McDonald's drink straw and cut a short piece 3/4 inch, and stick it into the tube, leaving about 1/4 inch sticking out, and it stops that problem. I put a litttle scotch tape around the straw so it fits just snug in the tube. I seldom have an over fill now. I hope this helps you out and good luck with the new chargemaster, Rick


New member
Chargemaster came in and I loaded it up with R15 and went to town.

It went over a few times by .1, so I just dumped it back and re-started. Still fast as can be. Even more, it would just stop completely a few tenths below charge. So I hit the trickle button to get to the final charge. Still just amazingly accurate. So nice to see the powder fill the case exactly the same every time. Really excited to see my groups and SD in my chrony.

The powder tube is pretty badly cracked from shipping. But functional.
Paintbrush bristles fell out in a hurry.
Some knob came with it. Not sure what it is for. Be nice if the cover wasn't so flimsy. For 300 bones, yea, I expect a nice cover. Overral very happy.


New member
Also, I recommend putting a UPS on any electrical equipment.

I am in the computer business and see hard drives fail a lot in homes with crappy electricity over those with newer utilities. Stereos, computers, etc. last longer with a UPS. Cheap ones are 30$ at office supply, and is much cheaper than buying new stuff. Used to replace a hard drive at an accountant's house every 9mos. Her electricity was awful, as is my parent's on outskirts of Houston.

Uncle H

New member

I bought one of the first models to come out and have been using it ever since. Works great but slower than a regular powder measure but way more consistent.

For volume practice ammo, I use a Dillon 550. Can't beat it for speed/volume.