RCBS Chargemaster variations


New member
I have noted my chargemaster going over or under, usually over and having
to wait until the weight came up again after the charge number, on the display before deciding to use the charge.
I read on the internet (so it must be true) that if a drinking straw were
to be placed in the discharge nozzle of the chargemaster, it would significantly
improve the accuracy.
I did and it did.
I used a drinking straw shamelessly stolen from a Wendys
cut to be about 5/8" long & stuck in the discharge end of the chargemasters
tube with about 3/8" sticking out from the end of the tube. (I used a small amount of thin tape to increase the straw's diameter so it would stay in place)
Over / under went from about 1:5 to about 1:12 with Varget & 308 loads and to 1: 24 with RE 15 & .223 loads.a significant improvement.
Net cost: a very small guilty feeling for stealing Wendy's straw & about 1/2" of tape on the outside of the straw to increase its diameter slightly.

YMMV & you can keep your doctor.


New member
There are at least 3 different versions of the CM 1500 that all take different voltages from 9 to 12 volts. There are also various "fixes" from machined parts to straws, cut straws in different shapes, setting them at different degrees of level (or unlevel as it were) and different "tunes" people do changing the numerous parameters. Some might help depending on what version you have, some don't but before you go changing parameters be sure to write down the factory settings so you can return to them, there is no "reset" button or way to restore them to the original settings unless you enter them manually and you will have had to record them yourself to know what that was.


New member
I had two of the different CM 1500's myself.


Some of the different machined or adapted "fixes" like drinking straws and ball point pen parts. If you have a pair of them side by side you can discount the value of most "tunes" pretty quick.






New member
The RCBS ChargeMaster 1500 is a great system, it is a bit iffy with tubular powders, the charger can be set for a longer trickle time , would help. Give RCBS a call. I use the GemPro 250 with the 1500 for close to exact charges for my 308.


New member
Yeah, they don't have the resolution of my homemade auto trickler but they are another toy in the box.