RCBS Charge Master Combo

David Bachelder

New member
One word.


OK a few more words. This thing is Great! Very easy to set up and use. I have heard a light shines down on you and you hear the choir singing.

Now I believe it.


New member
I know what you mean! Just bought mine a month ago and am wondering what the heck I have been doing for the last 13 years!

PeetzaKilla, aka Brian P, suggested glueing a small piece of one of those big bore staws from McDonalds in the end to help keep overages of powder from falling out after the dispenser is done.

Works wonderfully!

No more 0.1 or 0.2 gr over!


New member
I've had mine for almost a year now and really like it. I plan on trying the straw trick next batch too.


New member
I find it works great on ball powder but cleaning it between batches of another type of powder is a PITA. Too much static cling with ball powder in the dispenser. Plus, emptying the "tube" with the small ball powder bouncing around is a test in patience.

With extruded powder, it's a hit/miss with +/- .1 or .2 grains. About 60% accurate with mine.

If I'm loading ~30 rds or less, I tend to skip the automatic dispenser and use only the scale with hand dispenser.

Otherwise, it is a great combo.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus

I have never experienced ANY of those problems.

Emptying it takes maybe a full minute, I drain it from the spout then set it to dispense like 75.0gr, which empties the tube.

Never had powder stick very badly, ball flake, stick or "donut", less every time I use it.

It OCCASIONALLY over-shoots a charge but it's rare. I don't even remember the last time. I've NEVER seen an under-charge unless I shake the table too much, which is equally rare.


New member
Gotta love the chargemaster, mine overthrows occasionally. I need to need hit McDonalds and get another straw, I lost the one I had :) Don't forget to close the drain before you fill it LOL


New member
You shouldn't have to glue the straw in had 1/4-1/2" long piece in there for over a year and has never moved. I did forget to close the drain once what a mess.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I did the drain thing too....twice. :(:eek:

Once with H380. Ever use that stuff? It might as well be water. Awg. What a mess. The other time was either Power Pistol or 800x, I don't remember.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
The straw goes inside the dispenser tube. It keeps excess powder from pouring out after the scale stops dispensing. Just cut a 1/4" off a McDonalds straw and glue it in the end, flush. I've never heard of not gluing it but I guess the worst that would happen is it would fall out.


New member
My "engineering" wishes for next generation Chargemaster:

1) A removable and air tight container for powder, where you can put in 1lb of powder and switch to another container without emptying the powder each time. Kind of like switching IV bottles in a hospital. No more worries about forgetting to close the drain tube.

2) A quick detach tube for the dispenser. Would make it easier/faster to empty the tube than to run it till empty.