RCBS caliper question


New member
I have an RCBS electronic caliper, and just noticed a removable cover just next to the battery compartment. It looks like a place to plug in a cord or something. I can't believe I am just noticing this, as I've had it for some time, but the Starret dial gets used more often I guess. Anyway, what is this port or whatever it is called used for? Thanks.


New member
I read the instruction link that was kind of hidden on this page -


and it says that is an RS-232 port. (Serial port for connecting to a computer's serial port. Serial ports are kind of rare on today's netbooks and laptops, but there are adapters that usually work.)

There is no mention of a cable or software, but I'm going to guess that RCBS has this for sale.

I suppose it would be handy if you wanted a record of 500 measurements, so you didn't have to write down 500 values.


New member
Alrighty then. The chances of me ever using the port is highly unlikely, but I suppose some folks would. I'm more of a paper and pencil kind of guy (old fashioned), probably why I use the Starret dial caliper more than any other. Nice to know what the port is and what it is used for though, so thanks again.