RCBS 5-0-5


New member
Picked up a 505 scale at an antique shop, of all places. 40 bucks. Used but perfect condition, with the box even.

Very nice. I've been using the Lee Safety Scale for 5 years or so. It works fine and is accurate according to my check weights. But this is a whole lot nicer. Damps more quickly and the .1 gr adjustment and reading is MUCH easier.

I like it.:cool:


New member
I also have the Lee safety scale. Mine was never consistent in it's weights. Very frustrating. I bought a new RCBS 505 scale and it has been consistent and accurate every time I use it. Very much worth the extra I paid for it.


New member
Iv'e been using my 5-0-5 for years and apart from dusting it every so often and checking it with some weights ,(once in a blue moon) I have no reason to use anything else.

In other words , they are a great piece of kit. :)


New member
I picked up an Ohaus 5-0-5 scale years ago that I still use, anyone know when they started branding them with RCBS?



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RCBS and Dillon have their balance beam scales made by Ohaus. Easier than trying to research and develope your own.


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My RCBS scale is a little different than a 5-0-5. I call it a "5-10." It has a single rail for 10-grain increments - goes up to 500; and then a little "drum" that rotates and goes from 0 to 10-grains, in 1/10g increments. I don't know how else to explain it. (It says it's made by Ohaus for RCBS.)

At any rate, it came in my starter kit in 1984 and it works like a champ to this day. I have no desire to "upgrade" to any electronic fancy-schmancy thing. I trust gravity over batteries all day every day.
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New member
NICK_C_S said:
My RCBS scale is a little different than a 5-0-5. I call it a "5-10."

Which is exactly what RCBS calls it. I've had mine since the mid-70s and it still works perfectly.


New member
I bought my Ohaus 5-0-5 back in the late 70s when I first started reloading.

Still my one and only scale.


New member
+2 on the 5-0-5.

I bought one used at a LGS several years ago, based on the great reviews by other owners here. About two weeks ago I was lucky enough to find another one for my dad, used at a show. His is a little nicer as it is cast metal whereas mine is plastic. Both were right at $40.

If all the parts are there, the beam is straight and the plastic/phenolic balance points are crisp and dont show damage they are a great find.


New member
Good scale. I also found if I used this scale (or any other balance beam) at eye level (instead of bending over each time) that I could get a very accurate measure each time with very small deviation.


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Originally Posted by NICK_C_S: My RCBS scale is a little different than a 5-0-5. I call it a "5-10."

FlyFish: Which is exactly what RCBS calls it.

Oh yeah, it says so right on the front :p I used it last night and noticed that lol. So 5-10 it is. It's a great scale. I know that.
I've used both. Pacific/Hornady and a RCBS-505. 505 has much better beam dampening. For my needs of the two. I prefer the RCBS much better. If I were reloading sensitive powder charges. No doubt I would consider the Hornady for that purpose.