Rate Glocks

Rate Glocks

  • Excellent

    Votes: 48 36.1%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 47 35.3%
  • Good

    Votes: 16 12.0%
  • Average

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • Sub Par

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Poor

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • POS

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Now its Glock's turn for a poll. Based on your experience with Glocks, rate them based on the choices. I ask that those who give either "excellent" or "POS" ratings please explain why from now on with a follow up post.

I'm going with "good", based on my current Glocks (21,26). They get the job done (very good reliability), but are somewhat lacking in accuracy and ergonomics IMO.

This poll is on for 2 days.


New member
I gave Glocks a "very good" rating as there could be some improvement towards ergonomics that would IMO change my vote to excellent though even if the tirgger stays the same. Perfection can indeed be improved on ;)

They are definitely not worthy of a POS rating. This coming from a die hard 1911 fan who has seen his fair share (wish they would bury that dead horse)of the Glock vs 1911 debates.. :D



New member
I have four Glocks - 20, 23, 27, and 29. Those are 100% reliable and all have had at least 5000 rounds through them with a total of three malfunctions that haven't come back since I changed ejectors in the 10 mm models. Great guns.:D


New member
Gave Glocks a "Very Good". My G19 is great , if it had the same accuracy as my CZ I would have gave it the "Excellent" like I gave the CZ in the other poll.


There's a reason they say, "Glock Perfection."


New member
Some people have a hard time reading directions. :rolleyes: I asked those that give POS ratings to at least explain why.


New member
Glock poll

I currently have two Glocks, a Model 23 and a Mod.27. Neither one has that many rounds thru them. Before I retired I had a Glock 17 that I put over 6,000 rounds thru. I was a Firearms Instructor for our Dept. and the ammo was "free". I was not all that impressed with the 9mm. Afterall, I had carried a .38 sp. for over 24 years and was rather proficient with it. But the Glock is one heck of a gun. It can take the abuse that a police will put it thru and then some. The .40's are as accurate as the .38 revolvers were and the round is just the ticket for CCW.


Moderator Emeritus
Probably to the surprise of some...

...my vote was "Very Good". Few if any pistols are "Excellent" out of the box (or tupperware ;) ). Glocks are superlative in the reliability and ruggedness departments, pack a lot rounds for their size in any caliber, but are a little chunky, have very proprietary triggers, and need to go to some manner of interchangeable backstrap/grip system a la the P99 so as to accomodate a wider spectrum of hand sizes.

Stephen Ewing

New member
Let the record show that I did not vote POS. However I suspect that anyone who does so will shut up out of quite well-reasoned fear of flamefests, soooooo......

1) Atrocious ergonomics. They're blocky, they point poorly, and I lack the vocabulary to properly express how bad that trigger is.

2) Have I mentioned the trigger?

3) Gimme a minute........Lessee: trigger, trigger, oh, yeah! the trigger safety. That particular POS would be ROTFLMAO funny if the blasted thing didn't seem to be multiplying.

4) Trigg...Sorry, habit. Seriously, that publicity machine is ridiculous, and does set more than a few teeth on edge. Fair or not, this is what fires more than a few of the gun's detractors.

Well, you asked for somebody to step into the line of fire, and I'll play Devil's advocate. I do genuinely dislike Glocks, based on subjective reasons. I also don't like chocolate ice cream, or lettuce, and hold all three opinions as having the same weight. I can find no evidence that Glocks are POS, that lettuce is bad for you, or that chocolate ice cream is ....

Okay, chocolate ice cream really is bad for you. I'm one for three. ;)



New member
I went with very good. Why? I am not crazy about the finger indents on the newer models. My hands are large and the indents do not fit my hands. If they did I would go up to excellent. Again, why? The Glocks I own (19,23,27, and 30) are reliable, accurate, and well made. I have put thousands of rounds downrange and I can count the failures to feed on one hand. My Glock 30 doesn't like 200gr swc bullets. In closing the Model 19 is the most size efficient service 9mm made. Regards, Richard


New member
Uterly reliable!
and light weight too!
Gotta love the capacity!
scherer 3&1/2# connecters improve the trigger`s to good! Same pull every time.
No saftey to fumble with in high stress. But uterly safe!
proud owner of G-17,26,32&36
hate that I sold the 30 :(


New member
I vote very good. I haven't found a pistol I would consider "excellent" as of yet. My "excellent" rating would mean absolutely no improvement in any area.

Other than an occasional spent shell casing to the forehead, all of the Glocks that I have owned have been extremely reliable. Too bad Glock doesn't have a factory stainless steel slide. It would really improve on the looks.

Good Shooting

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Everyone knows I'm A Sig Man,

but I gave Glock's an excellent rating. I
have owned several, and had 0 problems with
any of them. Guess you might say, the 17,
19, and 26 are my favorites; but mine were
the 17, 23, and 27. Go figure!!!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
To be more balanced, there should have been an upper category to offset the POS.

Something on the order of "The Best Pistol Ever Built" would cover it... and get my vote. :D

My Glock 34 is indeed all that and the 17, 19 and 26 are pretty dang fine as well. :D

Ahhh.... Glock Perfection! ...or maybe infection? {shrug} ;)


New member
I voted "Very Good", but only because I can't think of a pistol that truly rates an "Excellent". I own 2 (17 and 22), and they are utterly reliable, they are accurate, they fit my hand well (both 2nd Gen; I could do without the finger grooves on the 3rd Gen), and they do everything I ask of them very well. The only grain of truth I see in the anti-Glock Luddites complaints is that the trigger mechanism does take some getting used to; today, I can ring a 6" gong at 50 yards with every shot, but people who aren't used to the break point seem to "jerk" a Glock's trigger. The only other complaint I've had of my Glocks is that some of the early 10-rounders I had wouldn't "drop free" for me, so I ended up pulling the mag out to do a reload.


New member
Excellent, for all the reasons given.

They are not pretty, but they are purely functional.

I actually think they are easier to shoot well than any other handgun.


New member
Out of all my guns I find my Glocks and Sigs to be the most reliable out of teh box. each has its own high points to offer. To me their is no better CCw than that of the Glock line of pistols.

They take a beating and are light to carry with high cap mags all over the place!
