Ranger T Testing From Winchester: Excellent Comparison Tool

147 Grain

New member
Here's a valuable link from Winchester on how their Ranger T line-up compares to various calibers / bullet weights in different test media. You can also input your favorite bullet weights for comparison through Bare Gelatin, 4-Layer Denim, Heavy Cloth, and Wallboard.

This tool is valuable in that you can compare up to 4 separate Ranger T bullets of different calibers / weights directly against each other. Example: a 9mm 147-gr. load to a 40 cal. 165-gr. or 180-gr., or to a 45 ACP in 230-gr., or to the 357 Sig (unbonded T-Series or Bonded).

Play with it a bit and you might be pleasantly surprised as to what performs well (9mm 147-gr.) and what combination is average (40 cal 165-gr. T-Series or 357 unbonded T-Series 125-gr.). In the unbonded T-Series, heavy for caliber bullet weights outperform their lighter counterparts. Moderate weight bonded bullets are also improving as outlined in these tests.
