range trip with my new cz's and my girlfriend

yesterday i took my girlfriend and my 2 new czech mistresses to the range. my mistresses included an sp-01 shadow target from the custom shop and a bones stock pcr.

i started out with the sp-01. i put the target out at 20yds, and fired off some quick shots (1 every .75 sec or so). all of the rounds landed in a 4in circle (actually more like a vertical line). needless to say, i was impressed.

next, i moved the target in to 12yds and picked up the sp-01 again. this time i went from the low ready position. i tried to shoot as soon as the gun was up and steady (about 1 sec from low ready to fire). again, all shots were inside the 4in circle.

i figured that was enough practice with the sp-01, so i picked up the pcr. brought the target in to 7yds to warm up. all but the first round went inside the 1.5in bullseye, so i moved it back to 10yds and commenced with my low ready drill. this one worked out even better than the sp-01 at 12yds, so i moved it back to 12 and tried it without the sights. all rounds were well within the 6in outer ring.

my girlfriend had never shot 9mm before, and she had only been to the range once before, shooting my buckmark 22. she is about 5'7" 110lbs. i handed her the pcr (loaded and ready to fire since she can't rack the slide herself). after her first shot, she yelped and jumped. after sufficiently laughing at her, i stood behind her and told her to finish the mag with my hands lightly on her shoulder blades. the rest of the rounds were all on paper from 5yds. a couple of mags later, my hands were off her shoulder, and she was putting them all withing the 4in ring from 7yds. she really picked it up fast.

to end the day, i put up a tic tac toe target and we battled with the pcr. i gave her the first shot and she seriously almost beat me.


i kid as well. you have some nice pieces listed in your collection. can't say that i'm a huge fan of the beginning of the list, but the middle is quite nice and the end isn't so bad either. i very much enjoy both of my p226 pieces, and i envy your fiveseven.


New member
I love the 5-7, I wish the "plasticness" didn't turn off so many shooters. But back on topic, sounds like your girl picked up the PCR aim quickly. Based on that would you recommend it over the SP-01?
The only thing that turns me off about the 5.7 is ammo cost!

I would recommend the pcr over the p01, but the sp01 is a totally different beast. The pcr and p01 are compacts. The sp01 is a gigantic fullsize. I definitely recommend the tactical or shadow over the phantom.


New member
RE: 5-7, yeah, ammo cost is a drawback. I wish FN would open up the standard because it's a great round. Ordering online (e.g. CTD) helps save some cash.

I have ape-ish hands so I'll definitely own a fullsize CZ one day.
Cz has a bunch of nice fullsize guns. My first was the 75b omega. Out of the box, it was great. After some new springs and a little break in time, it was amazing. The sp01 tactical is a little nicer. The sp01 shadow is even nicer, and the sp01 shadow target from the custom shop is incredible!

Mark In Texas

New member
My 12 year old daughter shoots my PCR well. My brother has tried (and failed) to buy it several times. I just love shooting it. It feels great in the hand, is super accurate and comfortable to shoot.

I bought a CZ 85B Combat because I thought I would like having a full size handgun and one that I could carry Condition 1. So the PCR is actually more accurate (might just be the shooter, since the 85 has a longer barrel and adjustable sights) and it turns out that I am not all that comfortable carrying cocked-and-locked and I am reasonably accurate in my first DA shot. At least when facing aggressive oncoming paper targets.

The CZ 85B is going soon, but the PCR...I will never sell that gun.
for those of you looking for the 75d compact (pcr) with the wood grips installed, you probably won't find it nib. they sell those grips at czcustomshop.com as well as midwayusa.com