Range today with son!


New member
My 13yr old son and I went to the range yesterday. 45+deg, and sunny. Christmas break for him, 24/7 xbox is just toooooo much for me :mad: But we all had a good time!:)


Rem/Rand 45....Franken AR-15


New member
PDS, any time spent with the kids doing a healthy activity is GOOD. I especially like the way he kept his head and eyes down on the sights. Did you teach him?

btw, safe shooting is a healthy activity despite despite what the idiots at brady say....


New member
Right arm straight. Left arm tucked. Left hand overlap right. Left thumb tucked. Beavertail aligned with right hand web. Right eye sights along right arm through to rear sight.

He's either had some outstanding instruction or he's a future olympian.

Good all over both of ya.


New member
Good for you! (BOTH of you!) I always had fun out shooting with my sons.

He looked good ...the way he was lined up, good form, good control...way to go.

I'm off for a few days, maybe I can get to the range too. Both the guys are working...maybe wifey will make the trip with me.

Keep going and keep growing. Next thing you know, he'll be out shooting you! :D



New member
My sons dont care much for shooting, but my daughter does. She just got her first firearm for Christmas this year a Remington 597 with 3-9X32 scope and 30 round magazine. She loves it... I am attaching her picture. She also loves to shoot my S/W 4046 and my AR-15. She is not much of a fan of my .44mag, but loves to shoot everything else I have.



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+1 To all who pass down the hobby/lifestyle to their kids. My wife and I are expecting our first born, due on July 1st, so it'll be a few years before I can take him/her to the range. I still enjoy going to the range with my dad. We only get to do it about once a year, but it's always a great time.


New member

I really enjoy going to the range with my father also. He is 69 and still shoots. He no longer reloads, I took over the reloading, and one day hope to pass that info on to my daughter or son's.



Always great to teach the next generation(s) safe and enjoyable firearms handling. Maybe next time you can use the xBox as the target?:D


New member

Well, since Marilyn Manson is music only, I may not like it but it never killed anyone. Also, you may not have noticed, but it was her sleep shirt. LOL I dont particularly like his music, but she is an A/B student, she does her chores, has great respect for firearms, and the danger they CAN pose. She can field strip my S/W 4046 and my AR-15 and put them back together. She isnt breaking any speed records, but can do it. I will agree that Marilyn Manson music is crap, but until she gives me a reason to restrict what music she listens to, I will allow her some indulgences. Plus, if I said no to the music, you know as well as I that she would go to a friends house who listens to it, and listen. Also, I think she is just about out of the "Marilyn Manson phase" LOL...



New member
PDshooter, Way to go! Get them kids out there.

INGunGuy, Also way to go! I bet she could shot the breasts off of Marilyn Manson. And yes, he has breasts...:eek: It's all good though. Glad she is a good kid!

My daughter is 14y and I got her a P22 last year. Next titme at the range I will take pics!

Happy shooting and be safe