Range time with my brand new PX4 Storm


New member
So I finally got some time to hit the range with my brand new PX4 Storm 9mm. I put 200 rounds through it today and it ran flawlessly. Although I've been running trigger drills with snap caps I caught myself flinching on the DA pull. The tripper pull also seems longer with live ammo, even though I know I'm just perceiving that. All in all it way outshot me. I consider myself an average at best handgun shooter but I didn't do too bad with it for my first time. Here's my final target of the day. I shot this target from 10 yds. Two magazines to the torso and then one to the head. I'm consistently left, something I've always done with handguns. The two strays on the torso were my DA pulls. Really need to work on that as well. I'd love to hear some tips and advice from you guys to bring it all a bit tighter, and perhaps a bit to the right.


Oh also. I noticed some small rips in the paper like shrapnel holes that weren't there before I shot. What causes those? Thanks.


New member
What kind of rips in the paper? "Inwards"-facing holes (made by something coming towards you)? That could be small pieces of the bullet's jacket ricocheting back.


New member
No. They're holes of small rectangles (mostly) that are going through in the same direction I'm shooting. Almost as if a small fragment is coming off the bullet or something and hitting the paper. It's hard to see in the picture but there are a couple at the top of the head and one in the target's right shoulder.


Jealous much...

That's good that you enjoy your new purchase. The Beretta PX4 Storm 9x19mm is a great semi auto pistol. :)
I bought a new model C PX4 9mm in 2009. It was balanced & smooth with no misfires or problems. The "super-luminova" 3 dot sights were; "eh" but new metal non snag after market night sights are now on the US market. :)
A pawn & gun shop sells new 17rd PX4 9mm pistol mags for approx $25.00ea. I got 2 blue steel mags in 2009. If you want to buy a few PM me & I'll pass on the contact details. The sales clerk told me they had 300/400 magazines so I doubt they will run out.
Due to serious $$$ problems I had to gid rid of my C model PX4 pistol but I'd get another PX4 C as soon as I can.


New member
I'd love to take those mags off of your hands but unfortunately I'm in the land of 10 round mags. I'm in the process of becoming an LEO so after that I'll hit you up. Also for some reason, my sights are regular sights. No superluminova on mine. I think I am going to upgrade to some meprolights anyway.

Still curious about those shrapnel holes if anyone has any ideas.


New member
I find that adding a Houge slip on pistol grip helps in getting tighter groups, but that could just be me. They are inexpensive about $10.00 to $15.00 and I think really help.



Don P

New member
The tripper pull also seems longer with live ammo, even though I know I'm just perceiving that.

Just about every DA/SA semi-auto is going to have a long DA pull compared to SA pull. Nature of the beast and nothing can be done to shorten the pull up. Have you tried changing the back straps to change your grip?


New member
I know I'm new to shooting but are you using your dominant eye?
I haven't shot all that much but when i used my left eye, my shots would pull right, I'm right handed. When I switched to right eye and left handed, my shots went to the center of my general POA. Maybe something to try out?

I have no idea what the tears could be from, that's really weird.


New member
Left huh? Make sure the pad in the center of your fingerprint on the trigger finger is flat against the trigger and in the center of the crescent shape of the trigger. Pull straight back toward you (not back and down, not back and up, straight back). This eliminates some movement on your part. If that doesn't solve it, make sure your left hand pulls your gripping hand towards you and your grip hand is not actually gripping. This allows total trigger control with a relaxed trigger finger. I was taught that by an IDPA competitor who was my CCW instructor.

If that doesn't work enough. Do all that and compensate your aim by aiming the appropriate amount of space to the right and fire.

Yeah eye dominance is a factor too.

Hope that helps.


New member
Just about every DA/SA semi-auto is going to have a long DA pull compared to SA pull. Nature of the beast and nothing can be done to shorten the pull up. Have you tried changing the back straps to change your grip?

Yeah I know that the DA pull is long and harder and I'm fine with it. It just feels longer and harder with live ammo. All psychological and I'll work on it with more range time.

As for dominant eye, that's always been a fuzzy area for me. I've done many tests and sometimes my left is dominant and sometimes my right is. I write and eat left handed but I use my right for everything else including shooting. I've been working dry firing with both eyes open while aiming at a corner on a wall. Just to make sure I'm aiming with my right eye I close my left like a rifle and it is always where I'm aiming with both eyes open so I feel confident I can shoot with my right eye. I think I just push the shot. I sometimes notice it slightly when shooting snap caps. The front sight sometimes just barely moves to the left. Just gotta keep it up at the range. Thanks for the tips and advice.

Bart Noir

New member
I noticed some small rips in the paper like shrapnel holes that weren't there before I shot.

Was the guy in the next lane shooting 5.7mm? :p

Firing on the wrong target. Always a source of merriment.

Bart Noir

Bart Noir

New member
Did you notice the words in the owner's manual saying that you can carry with a partially cocked hammer?

It makes the long DA pull just a little bit shorter.

Bart Noir


New member
The SA is very smooth. And in all honesty the DA doesn't bug me. It was just a little weird at first with live ammo. I don't think it's heavy or long. Just weird at first when I was so used to shooting my buddy's glock.