Range session last weekend...


New member
Three friends and I went out to a guy I know's farm last weekend... had an absolute blast! We brought my 20 ga., 10/22, my dad's m1 carbine, a benelli nova 3.5" 12 ga, a mossy turkey gun (3.5") another mossberg 3" 12 ga., .17 HMR breech loader, two more .22s, and a couple of other guns that I don't even remember at the moment. Along with that we brought 24 cans of cheap soda, two 13-gallon trashbags full of plastic bottles filled with pond water, a .22 spinner target, and two boxes of clays. SO much fun!! Had a friend there that was relatively new to guns... filled up some two-liter bottles with water and showed her what a 12-gauge with buck is capable of... she was quite impressed to say the least! I was also somewhat surprised to find that the 3.5" turkey loads kicked much harder than the 2.75" buckshot from the same gun (at least it seemed that way to me). I mean, a bit more recoil I could understand, but it was a bit more than I was expecting. I'd say some of the most fun we had was when we gave everyone a shotgun loaded with birdshot, set up a 2 foot by 2 foot piece of 1/4" plywood and all just wailed on it simultaneously... splinters everywhere, it didn't even look like a board anymore. :eek: Also found out that the spinner target doesn't hold up too well to the .30 carbine. :D

Stayed about 6 hours overall and probably fired close to 1000 or 1500 rounds... Anyway, still pumped up from it... looking forward to doing it again soon, but this got me thinking... what has been your longest range session, and/or the biggest arsenal you've taken with you? :)

Edit: I think next time we'll go at night and bring some of those cyalume light sticks to shoot at.
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New member
Ya know, I haven't even given it a thought. Most of the time, I usually keep the sessions fairly short -- just a couple of hours.

But, I was in the Army -- Infantry, mortars. Being in the Army, sometimes we'd spend all day at the range. And for the arsenal? Well, I was in the Army -- Infantry, mortars. How 'bout a whole firing line of Ma Duces? M-60 MGs? Been there, done that! LAW rockets? That too. Primarily, I was a mortar gunner, so we'd often do all day exercises at the mortar/artillery range -- 12 hours at a stretch on an 81mm mortar was not at all uncommon, more than that as well. They'd bring in ammo by the 5 ton truck load for our 1 section.


New member

...now that DOES sound like fun... makes my rangetime look pathetic in comparison. *sniffle* :(

My father used to work for a missile factory... whenever some of their stockpile got a bit old or was damaged, or something in general was wrong with it, he said they'd go out in a gigantic field and pile em up... then set em off. Hope I can get a job like that someday. :p