Range Report


New member
Went to the range with my Glock 19, original sights, and was consistently hitting bowling pins at 50 yards, standing position, two hand supported. How'd I do? Is it expected of the 19 to do that? I was shooting inexpensive Rem. UMC, 115 GR. MC.


were you outside?
was it windy?

are you sure you were hitting the pins?
could it possibly just be the wind knocking down the pins?


some pretty fancy shooting there if you were consistently and selectively hitting the pins at 50 yards

if on the other hand, the pins were just set up in a group and you were firing at them and every few shots one would randomly fall down, that's less impressive


New member
Beautiful sunny day. No wind at all. Pins were lined up from left to right about 3 feet apart from each other. They were supported with steel shafts in the bottom of the pin, and then stuck into the berm. Each shaft was about 18 inches deep into the berm. Sprayed the pins blaze orange. You could see the dark hits and hear the knocking sound of the bullet hitting the pin. I am completely satisfied with the 19.
Willis83, thank you for the compliment. I shot revolvers and auto loaders for many years and did some competitive shooting at a local gun club. Got away from it for a few years and got into rifle shooting. About a year ago I decided to get back into hand guns again, as well as rifle shooting. I'm at the range, both indoor and outdoor about 3 times a week sometimes more. Being retired helps. After hitting each one a few times, my sons .12 gauge (Rem 870) with slugs finished them off.