Range report.


New member
On Tuesday, I treated myself to an extended (for me) session at a new range I joined, the Ben Lomand Gun Club. It was fantastic! I used the 100-yard benchrest range, complete with concrete benches and a covered firing line. But the best thing about it was that I was out there all alone for 4 hours; it was like having my own private range. In fact, I never saw a soul the whole time I was there. I suspect, though, that on weekends it will be filled with people, which is one reason I'm glad I have a couple of weekdays off each week.

Now, on to the handloading part of this post.

Today was the first time I have fired my reloads for my .30-06. I worked the charges up carefully from 52.0 grains to 56.0 grains of IMR 4350 behind a Speer 165 grain BT with a CCI 200 as the primer.

As I expected, the first few loads with the lighter charges produced erratic accuracy, to say the least. The farther I went up in charge weight, the better the groups got.

Again, as I expected.

When I reached the heaviest load I made, 56.0 grains, I was able to get a 5-shot group of just under an inch (.900). Velocities were as follows: 2759, 2757, 2754, 2748, and 2767. It was the best load of the day, and, since it was getting late, I decided to pack it in for the long drive (better than 50 miles) home.

I definitely plan to try out some more of the 56.0 grain loads, and even some a bit heavier, all the while keeping an eye out for pressure problems.

What's the point to this post? Heck if I know. I'm just happy and I wanted to tell somebody.

P.S. Learn from me: Be very careful when shooting through your chronograph. Always be aware of where that muzzle is pointed, especially in regards to your chrono. I had a real scare today when, through my own inattentiveness, one of my shots hit the front guide rod and knocked it out of the chrono. I thought I had ruined it but, lucky for me, I bent the rod back reasonably straight and continued shooting. I'm glad no one saw that. BTW, the chrono. read 5300 fps for that one.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited May 31, 2000).]

El Rojo

New member
Damn 5300 FPS is a hot load for the .30-06! :eek:

I am thinking of getting a Chrony. Any suggestions? I don't want ot spend an arm and a leg.


New member
El Rojo, I got the Chrony Beta Master from Midway. They're on sale in the June catalog for $109.99 (regularly $129.99). They also have the F1 model for $61.99. They are listed on page 77 of the catalog.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

Guy B. Meredith

New member

Aw, that 5300 fps ain't so hot. Along about sunset I find my .38 spl revolver chronos at a little over 3000 fps.

Of course in the light of day they chrono at about 820 fps.