Range Report PX4 Compact


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Funny thing I noticed shooting can give me a morale boost. Similar to a runners high. Because I noticed when I was driving home today from the range I felt really well, a little high, one could say. Very unusual. Anyway, I hate indoor ranges. We don't have very many up here in the sticks, and the private clubs take a long time to process an application. There was no ventillation. There were only two other people shooting, and after 4 15Rd. Mags I had to leave.

I was shooting a new PX4 Compact 9mm for the first time. I don't know if it was me, or the gun. Probably the gun. At 30' using 3, 15Rd Mags, everything was in the black or on the rim, except 5 shots that here inside the 8. I used one mag at 50' and for some reason started throwing everything to the right.

I really wanted to stay and get a 200 Rd. break-in, but.The PX4 Compact fits my hand perfectly. The trigger is one of the best I've shot. Very smooth with little recoil. Nothing even close to a burp. So now that I've just bored everyone to death, at least I've posted something.


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Have one I shot last week. The short sight radius makes longer distance targets challenging.

Fine pistol.


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My PX4 .40 was my first pistol ever and I've always loved it (and have had not a single misfire in about 7 1/2 years). I've really been eyeballing the 9 Compact. Agree that the trigger is excellent for a poly in that price range. I think it's better than my SP2022 trigger, another ~$400-500 poly DA/SA.


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last year, my PX4 compact met all the requirements for a BUG in IDPA...sigh...they changed the rules this year, and the decockers and slide releases make it too wide.....


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Lockedbreach, I recently sold my 2022. It was a good performer. I also agree that the trigger on my 2022 was great. PX4C is better. Very crisp. I haven't touched a handgun in 5 years due to health, but I managed to knock out the bulls eye at 30' with a new compact, that I'd not fired before. That's probably all I'll need for personal protection.

On the other hand, it won't hurt to put some time in shooting distances. The air was so bad at that range I had trouble seeing the target at 50'...Today I hope to shoot outdoors...Luv that gun!:D


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I have a 9 mm Compact in my safe that belongs to my daughter. She moved to a gun-unfriendly locale and had to leave it with me. I do my part in keeping it exercised and fed. Exceptionally soft shooting with excellent accuracy. I consider the PX4 line to be rather under-appreciated and an excellent value.


New member
I agree with that. When the PX4 first came out they were difficult to find. I guess Beretta had to fulfill their law enforcement contracts first. I was probably one of the first 1,000 to buy the full sized PX4 "G". Because of the void that created, I think maybe the public had moved on to other new things. Just an opinion, could be wrong.

So, TailGator, what are you going to do when your daughter comes home...???


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one downside is the long DA pull of the first shot. competitive shooters want a consistent trigger, every shot. striker fired guns give you that. Beretta came out with the APX last year as their striker fired offering, but i have yet to see one. the write ups said you needed a special tool for takedown....dumb. go study Glock, SW, Sig, HK for ideas.


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Have you looked at getting the "stealth" slide release and de-cockers? That might put it back in the BUG category. Pretty sure you can install just the slide release on the left side.

On the APX, I think I read that the take down is like the Nano, you can pull the trigger to de-cock ( e.g. Glock) or push a small button(small tool needed) on the frame to de-cock without pulling the trigger. Which I think is one of the requirements for the new Army pistol.
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Well I'm not a competitive shooter anymore. There is no long DA first shot with the PX4C. I bought the gun because it fits me. I wanted a manual safety, decocker, and hammer fired pistol that fit my hand and accommodated my way of shooting.. The PX4C is a good range gun, it's a good carry gun, with 15 + 1 rounds capacity, and a good HD gun.

It may not be a good competition gun, depending on what competition we're talking about. If your into Fast Draw Competition your gonna need a good single six, falling plates would require something different, etc. I was just making a little range report about the PX4C. The gun for everything, except certain types of competition, and no long DA trigger pull. K


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Congrats on your Storm. Love my full size DAO (even more after getting my grip stippled), and just acquired a subcompact that unfortunately has a rear sight drifted way left of center!


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So, TailGator, what are you going to do when your daughter comes home.

When she comes home for a visit, one of the things she wants to do is go shooting with her dad. I raised her right.

I don't expect her to move back home permanently, although she would be welcome; she is an engineer with a master's degree and a nicely-progressing career. When she moves to a locale that allows firearm possession I will enthusiastically get it back in her hands. There will then be an empty spot on the shelf in the safe, so it will have to be filled, of course. Another like it would be a good candidate, but I have always wanted a CZ75, too. A decision will have to be made at some point. (I can hear the TFL chorus taking up a Gregorian chant right now with the lyrics "sumo utriusque meus filius sumo utriusque.")