range report p-24/7 taurus 9mm


New member
this weapon was a susprise to me.
i have heard mixed reports on taurus' reliability, fit and operation.
well though you can't tell much from a few hundred rds about long term reliability ...short term this weapon was a winner. fed with wwb and wolf this gun gobbled it up and exhibited no intent for FTE's. or FTF's. the ejection pattern was about 45' from the eject port and 5' to 6' in distance. sights were good. recoil manageable with very comfortable ribbed grips. (ribbed for pleasure?:eek: ) balance was good and it had good poa. the trigger was smooth and had an acceptable amount of stack until pressure (resistance)was felt on trigger. moments later a clean almost crisp break. i judge the trigger at 5-6lbs. accuracy was good. though the trigger will take some getting use too. my grouping with this weapon looked like breath control issues with a narrow group from 12 - 6 o'clock at 25 yrds.though i didn't exhibit this issue with the other weapons i shot same day. my son shot much
better with 3"-4" groups at 15yds. conclusion: for the money this is an acceptable weapon in my book for the purposes that we purchased it for, range fun gun. probably would do well for a home defense weapon though i prefer a defender shot gun with #6. we paid $290 for the blued model w/one/10rd mag version and $310 for the same w/two 16 rd mags . my boys first weapon and they love them!:p