Range report including some 45-70 info

Doc Hoy

New member
I took three firearms with me today.

The Geroco .357 Peacemaker, The Rossi .45 LC 1892 carbine, and the 1873 trapdoor.

I loaded a .357 RNFP with about 20 grains and got a consistent 730 fps plus or minus about 20. The revolver shoots a bit to the right at 15 yards. I couldn't get to the bottom of it because it broke after about thirty rounds. I think the hand pin came off of the hammer. Cylinder does not advance. So I'll have to pull that apart.

The Rossi shoots well. Cycles well. But I am going to have to take a tarp along to put on the ground so I don't lose all of my brass. I came home without ten cases that I simply could not find. Also, I failed to take along a cleaning rod so I could not swab the bore of the rifle. I think this bothers the 1892 because my groups got larger as the day went by. Probably about a hundred rounds.

The trapdoor shoots like a dream. I took along ammunition with 500 gr bullets, 405 grain bullets and 350 grain bullets. The only difference in the performance of these rounds was that the 350, exceeded 1100 fps, the 405, were right at 1030 and the 500s were at 960. And, of course there was a difference in the recoil. I loaded all of the rounds with 55 grains of FFFg GOEX. I could not find any FFg powder so I shot FFFg. The rifle shoots very well. I shot first at 25 yards to see where it shot. It is high and to the right by about 3 inches. So with some sight adjustments and kentucky windage, I was able to get into the ten right fairly well.

Even with a dirty barrel....(remember I did not have a cleaning rod, so the barrel was never swabbed this entire day)....I got consistently inside the nine ring at fifty yards.

I also compared ALOX to me Beeswax and Crisco and got no difference in speed. I could not compare the affect on the barrel because I could not swab. That is a chore for next time out, when I have the presence of mind to take the cleaning rod with me.

Had to put the truck in Four Wheel Low to get into and out of the field.

What a great day, even though I did break my revolver!
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Doc Hoy

New member
Almost the best part of the day.....

I related this part of the range day to my wife but it was not until a little later that I realized that this was the best part of the day.....

Perhaps you recall that I shoot in a field belonging to a young fellow (Kendal) in a small town near my home. This guy is cobbling together an existence and trying to overcome poor choices he has made. Not much education. Being in "the system" for a while.

He does okay but there are times when I wonder if he is not still making poor choices. None of my business but that does not mean I don't care about it.

Today, while I was shooting, Kendal came up behind me with a young fellow that he introduced as his fourteen year old brother, Tyler. He said that he wanted his brother to just watch what I was doing and experience the heritage of fire arms as a way to avoid succumbing to the mystique of the street thug with the illegal 9mm. He didn't use those words but I am sure that is where he was going.

I let Tyler take a coupla shots with each of the tools I had with me. (That was before the Peacemaker crapped out.) And when we were done, Kendal asked Tyler how he would describe the experience to his friends tomorrow when he went back to school. I didn't hear Tyler's response because they had walked away but I could still see them talking as they were walking. It was two brothers talking to one another over a chance experience of true Americana.

I don't know if Tyler will be okay. I don't know if Kendal will be okay. But at least they had that opportunity to talk to one another.

Doc Hoy

New member
Good point, Berdan

Didn't take a camera along this time.

I can post a photo of the spent cases, the clean firearms, or the broken parts from the Peacemaker. Or I could post a photo of my filthy truck my stained shooting table, of the fingerprints on my shooting box. How about a picture of the bruise on my shoulder.


I could shoot a photo of me, with the smile that I can't wipe off of my face.



. . . :D

Doc Hoy

New member
The quest for parts begins....

As I said, my Geroco Peacemaker broke yesterday.

Indeed the hand pin broke into to pieces. I have both of the pieces and as it turns out, none of the parts I have will fit.

In addition, the cam on the hammer is worn and the pistol no longer cycles properly.

I looked at the hammers that I have and it appears that even if I can get the cams out, they won't fit either. So not I am looking for parts.

I will try DGW, VTI, Midway and Numrich. Do y'all have any additional suggestons?

This is a Geroco Peacemaker clone in .357.



Doc Hoy

New member
Here ya go, Mykeal...


Doc Hoy

New member

Anything for you....

BTW, that is my right shoulder. The photo is taken in a mirror.

My better half did the make-up application.


New member
Nice report Doc - sounds like you had a great time even though you did have one "break down". Glad to hear the 4/70 shot so well - have a feeling you are really like that one! Great story as well .. . you may never know the influence you had on the young man . . . . but, I have a feeling it's something he'll never forget. Who knows what little things in life can "straighten out a rough turn" in the path that some folks have to tread.

By the way . . . my compliments to the better half . . . she did a great job on the make-up! :eek:


New member
Doc Hoy said:
I will try DGW, VTI, Midway and Numrich. Do y'all have any additional suggestons?

I recently found an entire cylinder with crane assembly that was like new for my friend's Weihrauch .22 revolver on eBay. It was just what he needed and it was like finding a needle in a haystack. And it was all due to eBay allowing the sale of gun parts again.
Hey Doc, I hope that you can find those replacement parts easier than those 10 spent brass that got lost right there in front of you. I know that I hate it when that happens to me. :D:p:D
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