Range report: H&K compact 357sig.


New member
I purchased this weapon thru GunsAmerica, [used] H&K compact in 357sig. I had a hard time finding this caliber in the area i live. I chose this caliber after shooting A Glock M-31 that the Deputies carry where i live for a duty weapon. I also read many articles here and other internet sorces about this caliber.

After arrival, i inspected this weapon, finding it looked new. I disassembled and cleaned it. I had been stockpiling ammo for some range tests they are.

Proload 125grain JHP.

Winchester 125grain FMJ &JHP/ Whitebox

Speer Gold Dot 125 grain JHP.

Teasts were at 7, 15, 25 yards.

Winchester ammo, i had several failure to feed, with the FMJ. The JHP fed without problem. Accuracy was fair at 7 &15 yards, marginal at 25. I would rate this ammo as medium for sefl defensive porposes. [JHP loadings]

Proload = was very good, no problems of any kind. Muzzel blast was fierce, recoil moderate, Accuracy = A+. The cost was a little high compared to Speer but overall it was a great defensive round.

Speer, I would have a hard time choosing between this round and Proloads. The two compared equally in my book, the price i got the Gold Dots was much cheaper than Proloads advertised price.

I did not have my Chronograph this time out. But Proload and Speers offerings are moving right along at 1450 + fps as advertised.

The trigger on this weapon leaves something to mbe desired, but other than that feature it was a pleasure to shoot. Groups hovered around 4 inches at 25 yards offhand. At 15 that shrunk to @ 2 inches. At 7 yards was pretty much a rugged hole less than 2 inches across. With the Proload & Speer ammo.

Overall i'm very pleased, i had a Sig 229 in 357sig, but i prefer the H&Kwith a wide margin One feature i like is that you can carry it "cocked & locked" mode. Recoil is not an issue, and once i get used to the gun groups should decrease in size if i do my part.



New member
I've been wanting one of these for a while, but I hear they are discontinued (don't know how true that is). If so, I have to get one ASAP.