Range report follow-up on #1 RSI


New member
This is in regards to a previous thread:


Well after talking to different people about this and checking everything out, one person noticied the fore end cap was in contact with the end of the barrel and suggested I try to "free-float" it with a dremel tool. Well went back to the range (4th time) and took the cap off and shot it. Well wouldn't you know, a three shot one inch group. Put the cap back on and shot again....7 inches higher than previous 3! I could not believe the very little metal to metal contact could cause such inaccuracy. I thought I may have just got a bad cap and so I orered a new one from ruger ($14.00). While I was waiting for that, I did a little home gun-smithing with a dremel and some pliers on the cap I had until there was no more contact with the barrel. Cap came in two days ago and went to the range yesterday. My re-worked cap shot same point of impact as without and a 1.25 inch group. Put the new cap (which also had contact with barrel) and six inch group. Well I guess I will use the re-worked cap during hunting season (as it got a little scratched in the process) and put the new one on during the off season. Anyway, just another area to look at if anyone else is having the same problem. Anyone else have an RSI, and if so, does the cap make contact with the barrel? Any accuracy problems?


New member
Can you post a picture? I don't understand how the cap can NOT make contact with the barrel. I have a CZ550 Full Stock, the stock is floated all the way out to the end cap where both the cap and stock come in contact with the barrel. No accuracy problems at all with my gun.


New member
The cap on mine does not to make contact at rest, but who knows in full recoil.

I'd try a little wax paper under the barrel before I free floated (3-5 lbs of upward pressure). A two piece stock works a little different just as the nature of the beast. I'd do that with the muzzle cap off or hog out a little of the cap around the muzzle opening with a mill.


New member
This is what I did to my #1 V to eliminate random barrel contact.



