Range Report: Encore Pro Hunter 7mm-08 Handgun

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I tested my new toy today using mainly very light loads of Unique, just to properly form the brass to the chamber. The load was 9.0gr under 100gr Hornady HPs

Here's acell phone picture of the gun for anyone who didn't see my first thread:


The gun performed flawlessy, and the fifty year old can of Unique also performed well, so far a saying "BANG!" at the appropriate time. Accuracy was acceptable as well, considering. After the break-in period, I simply shot the rest of the rounds with nary a pause in between. The barrel was getting quite warm. I ended up with a group of roughly 30 rounds that was approximately 2 inches wide and 3 1/2inches high, at 100 yards. Roughly 1/2 of the shots were clustered in a nice group of approximately 1 1/2 inches. I'm very satisfied with that result, considering the load, my not waiting between shots and this being my first ever rifle reloads.

The trigger was worked by EaBrown Company before they shipped me the frame. It is superb. Unquestionably the best trigger that I've ever had on a non-varmint gun. They said that it would be 2 1/2 pounds and it feels about right, but I haven't had a chance to check it on the scale yet.

Quickload's estimates of muzzle velocity turned out to be pretty optimistic. I don't know if it was the age of the powder or if it could be explained by batch variance even with modern powders. After adjusting the inputs to match my case capacity, QL predicted 1520fps. The actual result was around 1415fps. That's about 7% lower than predicted. I guess if that's all you lose with 50 year old powder then I can live with it. I mention this as an interesting tid-bit, as this certainly will not be a load that I'll be using much in the future.

I also fired one round of Remington Core-Lokt Ultra 140gr factory ammo over the chrony, and a few rounds not measured. Their performance actually amazed me. Remington lists the muzzle velocity of the ammo at 2860. The chrony showed 2640. I expected at least 100fps less. The recoil from the full power load was much more manageable than I expected. You definitely know that something in your hand just went "BOOM!" but it's not painful or unmanageable at all.

The gun is topped with a Burris 2-7X40mm scope. It is quite excellent. The optics are bright and clear, the "clicks" are solid and audible and the scope seems to be high quality in every regard.

I am very happy with this gun so far.

Dave R

New member
Cool! :D Sounds like you're off to a good start. What do you think will be your "working" load for the rifle-caliber pistol?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
What do you think will be your "working" load for the rifle-caliber pistol?

I plan to use Hornady 139gr SPs for deer and the 100gr HPs on woodchucks and other critters. Right now, the powder I'll be using is H380 and the charge will likely end up somewhere in the 46gr area for a predicted muzzle velocity of 2500-ish fps for the 139s and about 50gr (IIRC) at around 3000fps for the 100s.


New member
Glad to hear that the encore is doing well for you. I have found that most TC encores tend to get 1.5" or better groups at 100 yards, and your seems to be at least that good.

EABCO.com does a nice job on triggers, and they can really take the takeup and overtravel out of it too. Mine was done by a local smith and its right at 2# which is perfect for a hunting firearm.

The .308 based cases seem to have less velocity loss than the -06 based cases.



New member

Seeing your 7mm encore brightened my day a bit. In the NE (NJ) we had a freakin' obscene amount of snow and rain. Philly and our area had almost 90 inches of snow this year! I haven't seen that much snow since I went to school near Chicago 1976-80 (where we had 120 inches +)! We then had 3.5 inches near Fort Dix in 1 day.

In 21 years living in NJ my 4 foot deep sump hole never had a drop of water in it. I had a cheapie pump which burned out and voila 4 inches of water in my basement. My gun safe was not on a wood frame so the bottom got damp. Needless to say between my stereo equipment and my guns I was pretty depressed.

The last 4 days have been beautiful 65 degrees and low humidity. But am I out there blowing up paper? Noooooo, I have to spend these beautiful days cleaning and drying. Needless to say I am getting antsy. My Encore stuff includes .223 & .17 HMR pistol barrels and .223 & .44 mag rifle barrels. Sorry for the long weather report but seeing that nice clean pistol cheered me right up. What other Encore stuff do you own?


W760 and Nosler 120 and 140 bullets work well in the 7-08 also. My model 7 smacks me, so I can imagine the pistol would definitely let you know about it

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
drjjpdc said:
What other Encore stuff do you own?

That's it. I've been fighting for 3 months to get the gun into NY state. Long story. Suffice it to say that no one understands the pertinent laws and everyone thinks that they do.

Eventually, I would like to get the rifle paraphernalia and a smokeless muzzleloader barrel. Aside from that, I don't foresee many more parts. I mainly have it so that I can hunt with rifle cartridges where I can't hunt with a rifle.

Sorry to hear about your guns getting soaked.:( I hope they all clean up for you.

oneounceload said:
My model 7 smacks me, so I can imagine the pistol would definitely let you know about it

Full power loads make a very satisfying "BOOM!" accompanied by impressive concussion and have just enough recoil to make you pay attention. Just the way I like it.:D