Range Report - CS9


New member
I put 300 rds throught it today. It was really stiff until 225 rds. It was shooting slightly low and right. I also had four stove pipe jams that were my fault. The jams did occur with only one type of ammo (Remington 115 gr.) I was still working on getting the correct grip and I limp wristed them. After I was able to put my pinky finger under the mag my grip and accuracy improved greatly. After about 225 rds. the bullets were going right were I aimed them. This is one sturdy little gun and very accurate. Once I figured out how to hold it, because I have large hands, it was great. I put 5 different brands of ammo through it. Remington, Winchester, Fiocci, Magtec, and American Eagle. It liked the Winchester best. It's a keeper!