Range report (5/6/07)


New member
I took my K-38 to the range yesterday for the first time and REALLY enjoyed shooting it and am impressed by the overall feel. I've always liked semi-auto handguns a bit more, however after shooting my new 38 special, revolvers are growing on me.

Keep in mind I'm still working on everything and still need some work. This first picture is the K38. I was shooting at 10 yards.

The second picture is my S&W 910s 9mm. I was shooting it at 7 yards.

I'm still a bit low with the 910s, however if you look at a previous thread I'm improving on not shooting to the low & left. The thread below is with my PT111, but I do the same thing with all my semi-autos.


This picture shows where my tenancies lie. I really worked on only squeezing my trigger finger and not "milking" the rest of the firearm's handle.
