Range questions, shot to shot over varying distances


New member
The last time I went to the range I decided to try something. Two magazines 4 different distances, two shots at each distance.

The results were strange to say the least. I started about like 5 yards, shot two, good shots a little high.

Next shot was from like 10 yards, shot two still pretty good.

So on and so forth. All of the shots were good except the furthest ones (which I expected cause I haven't practiced enough at 25 yards, but I can hit 100% paper plate).

So anyways I loaded two more magazines, fired twice at 5 yards, little high but ok. Fired twice at 10 yards again, bullseye for one, one was shy to the top left.

Fired at 15 yards, bam one through the previous shy hole, fired at 25 yards, bam another one through that shame shy hole. One quarter sized ragged hole from three shots @ 10,15, and 25 yards...

My technique was walk to position, lift, aim, shoot, in a swift even movement. Would anyone consider this intuition shooting? I'm curious if anyone else ever came across an event like this. I guess it could just be luck.

Looking for opinions minus any flaming ;-)

Firing a Springfield Armory XD 5" Tactical in 40 cailbre.

[Op] Shame on me I didn't realize the Tactics section it probably should be posted there, please move if necessary


Sorry I wrote this while at work it appears that I got more than 3 shots in the same hole. I'm young but I think I suffer from some-timer's...

Here is the picture of the target
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New member
Since you said you aimed then that is waht it is, an aimed shot. As to the shots hitting the same place for the various ranges then that is the variation in your aiming, or as you called it luck.


New member
And Sometimes When You Shoot Alot,you get in a zone ive been there many times.I have shot 3 inch balloons consistantly at 100 yards with a nine and a 45acp but that was when i was shooting most every day.Nobody can call me on that either i have witnesses.