Range Found Brass

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New member
Hope I don't get yelled at for asking this question, but your answers may change my future habits.

I have 3 Rifle ranges around where I live. I am a member at one and shoot League Trap at it. also do my rifle shooting at that same range. I have been at all ranges for comp. shooting.

Ok with all that in mind, Here is my dilemma. I went out on a brass excursion. I drive to each range and park so I am not blocking the gate. Walk around the small fence and proceed to pick up peoples left brasses.

I do NOT do this if anyone is at the range shooting. And I leave as soon as someone shows up to do some shooting.

The last time I went to a range (I am not a member at) I was by myself picking up brasses on the ground when a member showed up.

He knew what I was doing there with my 5 gal. bucket picking stuff up off the ground. He asked me if I was a member. Which I told him "NO." He then was telling me that I was Trespassing and I should leave. being a police officer in my previous life, I guess in a way, it is Trespassing. But I think of it this way; Would you call the cops for someone picking up your dog crap in your yard for their garden?

He then told me that I should leave before he changes his mind about contacting the Sheriffs Department.

If someone came to the range that I was a member at while I was shooting I wouldn't care. I would be a little mad that I didn't get the brasses first but I would also think to myself "First Come, First Serve"

What are your thoughts?


Yes, you were trespassing, get over it,

If it was a private club and you are not a member you have no business being there, period.

And if you actually were a former cop, you would know that.
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New member
I'd have to agree with the member of the club that you were trespassing on. Once asked to leave, just leave. That would have been the courteous thing to do.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
If it's a members only range and you're not a member, you're clearly trespassing. How could there be any doubt?

If you left pennies on the ground on private property and someone who wasn't invited came and started stealing them (yes, stealing) would you be mad?

It's not "dog crap" when it's a commodity that many members of that range might want and it's worth money.

You were trespassing AND stealing.


New member
Point taken..... I wasn't whining... Just didn't look at it this way. To make up for it, I will go and pay for a membership at the range. I will pay for the whole year.....
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New member
I consider first come first serve to be a product of range membership. If your a member, then yes, that is right, if your not, and membership is required, your in the wrong, and are taking money from people who were willing to pay for the privilege of shooting at the range.


New member
I guess in a way, it is Trespassing. But I think of it this way; Would you call the cops for someone picking up your dog crap in your yard for their garden?

Well, I think of it this way, it wasn't your dog crap or your brass. It was a valuable commodity that you trespassed on someone else's private property to steal. No different than walking in someone's home and taking the loose change off their dresser. Hard to believe you were ever a LEO if you have no better understanding of the law than this.


New member
If you're not a member of the range then you're stealing from the brass rat who IS a member of the range. (that would be me)

Please don't. Picking up free money, er, brass is almost as fun as shooting sometimes.


New member
+1 Rifleman1776.

The ranges that I belong to have now instituted background checks and membership approval of new members, along with probationary periods. I don't think Loademwell would be accepted at any of those clubs if any member there knew that he had been doing what he posted in this thread.

It is especially disconcerting that he was previously associated with law enforcement and yet still seems to somehow feel entitled to enter private property to take something for his own benefit. Equating it to "dog crap" illustrates a level of dishonesty/denial - - does he pick-up dog crap from other people's private property because he wants to use it?

I don't want a guy who has judgement that poor shooting in a lane beside me, ESPECIALLY if he is shooting his own handloads. And, I definitely would not want him on my police force.

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