Range day with my Colt Clone

Hunter Customs

New member
Well I've been shooting my Cimarron Uberti Colt clone on a regular basis as I do plan on deer hunting with this revolver.

I'm well past 4000 rounds through this revolver now and the more I shoot it the more I love it.

I've been practicing at different distances from 25 to 50 yards using clay pigeons for targets (I get bored real fast shooting paper), I figure 50 yards will be my longest shot at a deer.

Just for the heck of it I've been backing up to the 100 yard line and shooting at the clay pigeons, amazing as it may be I've been getting lucky and breaking some.

I sure don't claim to hit them every time, but my misses are not that far off and with my old tired eyes I figure that's pretty good standing freehand with iron sights.

The Cimarron Uberti has the accuracy to do the job as long as I do my part, as I said I sure do love shooting this revolver.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter


New member
Bob, I think you are a wise man to stick with a range of 50 yards while hunting. Target shooting is a different story. As a former hunter, we never want to wound a deer or other game if possible.

I know all about aging eyes plus in my case poor hearing (result of Nam and the VA want recognize it).

Sounds like a solid revolver. We hear so many complaints (I have done my share). It is always nice to hear from a pleased owner.

Let us know how you make out during deer season with it.


New member
50 paces is about max for iron sights

Only thing I can add is a good bullet at 900-1000 fps and you are golden.

Hunter Customs

New member
lamarw, I'll be meat hunting so it should not be difficult to get a nice Doe or Spike Buck with in the 50 yard range, I've had them with in 10 yards of me many times.
I have enough big Buck racks I really don't need another one.

I also know about the hearing loss issue (Nam 1968) I have hearing aids for each ear.
I don't wear them like I should, the darn things drive me nuts.

As for the revolver, I was impressed with it when I opened the box, after shooting it I was more impressed.

If I get my deer I'll try and get a picture of it to post in the hunting section of this forum.

Colt46, I'll be using a 255 gr SWC with a velocity of 945 FPS.
I know that's not a romping stomping barn burner load but it should be adequate for my needs.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter

Bob Wright

New member
It sounds as it you are doing very well with it, glad to know you are pleased.

The Single Action revolver, almost any kind, is my pet for pleasure of firing.

Thanks for the input.

Bob Wright


I shot this guy in 1975 with my SAA Colt .357 using a 38 spec. case 5 grs of unique and a cast RCBS SWC., funny story that I won't bore you with. In the eighties I killed a forked horn with one shot @ 120 paces using a 4" model 66 and a 140gr JHP and can't remember the rest of the load data. I was able to make these shots because like the OP I burned up a lot of ammo during the summer. Practice, practice, practice.


Hunter Customs

New member
Bob Wright, yes I'm very pleased with the revolver.
I tend to agree with you about the SA revolvers, this one is sure fast becoming my favorite revolver.

Salvadore, thanks for the picture, tell the story it will not bore me.

I've actually killed two other deer with handguns, one was an 8 point Buck shot with a 1911 using handloaded ammo stoked with a 255 gr cast SWC bullet and 231 powder.
He was only about 20 yards from me when I shot him, he ran about 60 yards and dropped over dead, ugliest rack on any deer I ever shot.

The other was a 6 point Buck shot at an estimated 80 yards (80 paces) with a S&W 27 8-3/8 inch barrel, using a 158 gr JHP and the case stuffed with 2400.
I don't believe he ran more then 30 yards before he dropped.
Here's a picture of the S&W I used.


Best Regards
Bob Hunter

DT Guy

New member
Bob, extra points if you were wearing the hat and spurs when you got him..:)

I gotta' get me a cowboy gun....all my guns are 'serious' these days; serious target or serious IDPA or serious CCW...I need a 'fun' gun.


Hunter Customs

New member
Bob, extra points if you were wearing the hat and spurs when you got him..

I gotta' get me a cowboy gun....all my guns are 'serious' these days; serious target or serious IDPA or serious CCW...I need a 'fun' gun.


Larry, I was wearing a cowboy hat when I shot the last one with the S&W revolver, however because of Missouri law I had a orange stocking hat over the crown.
I did not have any spurs on, they don't fit well on my hunting boots.:)

I agree on you getting you a cowboy gun, be advised you may get hooked.

I can highly recommend the Cimarron Uberti unless you want to load the hot rod loads, then you better get a Ruger new model Blackhawk.

That being said a 45 caliber 255 gr SWC moving at 950FPS should do anything you need in the lower 48 and my Cimarron has handled that with ease.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter


New member
Bob, This is not gun related but since many of us suffer from hearing loss I will post it. I am on my 4th set of hearing aids. Just got the new ones two weeks ago. Technology has come a long way. My hearing has gotten worse, but with my new hearing aids I am hearing better than ever with hearing aids. It also has a small remote which allow you to easily change the volume on your on, set it to the restaurant setting, even shut them off. I got them from COSTCO if you have one nearby. They are Kirkland Signature 5.0.

Back to revolver related. You have a beautiful set of grips on the revolver you just posted in the picture. I normally do not like such, but this set are so conservative and just beautiful in a simplistic manner.

Hunter Customs

New member
lamarw, thanks for the info on the hearing aids and the compliment on the grips.

I told the gentleman that scrimshawed the grips for me that I wanted something that would add a little touch of class to an already classy revolver and that's what he came up with.
I was pleased with the results.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter


New member
I've been practicing at different distances from 25 to 50 yards using clay pigeons for targets (I get bored real fast shooting paper),
With you there. That is another reason I like our range is we have steel targets from 25 to 77 yards in each bay. Of course you can bring your own 'stuff' too to shoot.... Like rolling a can, 12g shot shells, briquettes, clays, or what ever.... Need to get out myself as it's been a couple of weeks since the last time I was out with my one of my ROAs and an 1851 Navy. Time to get the cartriage guns back out there.

Hunter Customs

New member
I have one of the Uberti Cattleman myself in .357. Excellent revolvers!

brazosdave, I agree, Uberti makes some excellent revolvers, I've considered buying a couple more.

rclark, yes it's nice having your own range right out your back door.
It makes shooting and practicing a lot easier when you don't have driving time.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter